If at some point you’ve thought that your life is pointless and meaningless, what did you do to give it sense, a purpose, to get back the joy of having it?

  1. 1) order a few things online that I REALLY have always wanted badly. It may take a couple weeks to arrive but I’ll have something physical to look forward to in life.

    2) Do something you’ve ALWAYS procrastinated. Just get it the fuck out the way at the very beginning of your day. Now you have a sense of progression

    3) Go buy some fresh clothes. Stop wearing worn out garbage. You may think its saving money but it subconsciously makes you feel like SHIT. You go to macys look for a jacket, there’s one that catches your eye, you can’t stop looking at it, you see it’s slightly expensive, FUCK IT. Buy it anyways. You won’t regret it. Trust me.

    4) Research self improvement constantly. Are you shy? Spend a whole month listening to videos that explain how to not be shy. You lack charisma? Spend a whole month listening to videos on being charismatic. You have bad acne? Search videos on how to fix it and learn how to properly wash your fucking face. Go buy serums.

    5) Keep your room or house clean as much as possible. It will help you stay motivated all day long. Wash the fucking dishes in the dishwasher. Don’t let your sink get all shitty.

    6) Make sure you always dress amazingly I don’t care if you’re just going to the mailbox, go to the mailbox fresh as fuck. It will get you in the habit of realizing that the best moments are when you least expect it. Why not be dressed well when you end up in a situation where a beautiful woman unexpectedly crosses your path?

    7) Do you, and if anybody has a problem with you improving, Ignore them.

  2. Life is nothing more than a tragic and chaotic mistep in your endless journey of non-existence.

  3. There isn’t a definitive answer to this question since everyone experiences different things in life and what works for one person may not work for another. However, some things that may help someone who is feeling like their life is pointless and meaningless are to find a hobby or activity that brings them joy, to connect with others and build meaningful relationships, to set goals and strive towards something they are passionate about, or to volunteer and give back to the community. Ultimately, it is important to remember that everyone has ups and downs in life and that even when things feel tough, there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

  4. i went to law school but unfortunately that ended up to be the worst mistake of my life. lockdown for two years meant no one was hiring and i had a severe mental breakdown; still waiting for recovery

  5. Ik this might make people cringe, but for me personally, i got into religion. Christianity specifically. I used to be an atheist actually. I was a nihilist, and also thought the bible was just a collection of fantasies. But there’s alot of proof to show the bible is quite accurate. But i still denied it was real anyway. But one time i prayed, and i mean really prayed, asking if god was actually real, and i was given my proof a day or 2 later. I’ve felt much better knowing there’s a god out there, that has our best interests at heart. If you have any questions, id love to answer them 👍

  6. I didn’t. I still think its pointless and worthless life I live. Have for about 6 years now.

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