So I met this girl (F 26) I’m (M 26) and we been on 3 dates but I didn’t kiss her or have any physical contact with her until the 3rd date. So when I first kissed her it was after we had a nice dinner, just a quick peck but I can tell she didn’t exactly feel it. Then I dropped her off and she goes for a hug but I initiate another kiss and she does but pulls away quick. I grab her hand and say is something wrong cause I don’t want to force her to do anything but she said that I never did anything physical with her and it was just sprung quick on her but I was just trying not to be too forward. Anyways I leave her and think that was the end that she’s not attracted to me. She texts me after saying that I’m not forcing her at all and she enjoys spending time with me but noticed I’m a shy guy and she was the one who is used to being the shy person (didn’t make much sense to me but ok). But fast forward we been on more dates, keep in touch everyday but I don’t initiate kisses cause I’m waiting for her to give me cues or anything to show she’s attracted to me because I really want to do more but I am being patient. She also introduced me to her sister and she told me she never has done that with any guy. Anyways you guys have any idea what could be wrong or am I just not that romantic? I feel like when we hangout it’s almost as friends as we are barely getting to know each other.

  1. Well, I would start by seeing where she’s at with you in person and not via text. The next time you go out, cut to the chase but don’t come off as forceful. It may reveal the confusion, and hopefully, you can push past just friends. If she only sees you as a friend, prepare for an appropriate response.

    Lastly, you might want to do physical touches on the outings with her to build attraction. Nothing crazy but like a confident arm over the shoulder or hand-holding. Something to move past just being friends.

    Overall that conversation will be clutch to help you out—no bs or beating around the bush. Be direct.

  2. If you’re hanging out but not being physical why are you barely getting to know each other…? What do you do together then

  3. I think cuddling is a good way to start being comfortable around someone physically and for me usually leads to something more happening. Try cuddling when watching a movie or something.

  4. Sir, Kiss Her Please!!

    She told you EXACTLY what it is. She is usually the shy one. Which means she doesn’t make the first move. If you like her get off this sub, kiss, hump and fall in love.

    “See this is the problem with this generation…”🤣🤣🤣

    You spend more time talking to strangers on the internet and not the person you like. You question what she told you to get advice from others. We spend time on internet porn that leads guys to believe that every woman is a Panther that is going pounce on the first date. Why are you confused about a kiss. 🤣🤣🤣🤣Sorry it makes no sense. She introduced you to her sister for goodness sake. Enjoy!

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