Hey everyone! 24M here.
I’m a pretty shy guy only in terms of approaching people I don’t know and making conversation with them. It’s not that I’m shy approaching but I don’t know how to keep the conversation going. And I’m sure I’d bore them.

So I like to approach people online build up a conversation that kinda indicated what they like so it’s a lot easier to start a conversation when we do meet up. But I’ve been connecting with a lot of people out of my area and would like to approach people nearby, I have a couple people on Instagram who I think (only an assumption) that I’d hit it off with. But I have absolutely no idea how I’m supposed to start off that conversation. I’ve almost never DMed anyone. There’s been maybe just 2/3 but they never even read the message.

Soo I’d love to get some feedback on how or what exactly my first message to her is going to look like. Also assume majority of them have no mutual friends or anything

  1. You want to ask something that’s going to spark their interest/intrigue where they feel like they have to respond to you, otherwise, you might say something that only warrants them to ‘like’ the message.

    An example of this would be making an observation about their profile, eg; Do you know what I found most interesting about your ….

    Responding to their story can work to. If they’ve posted that they’re perhaps in your area and a coffee shop (for example) you could react to it and say, ‘They do great coffee there, but you should also try ….. by ….’

    Engage without being generic.

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