What’s your mini useless superpower?

  1. Mine is that RNG in video games loves me. I have stellar luck with random drops/rewards.

    I’ll never forget my husband re-rolling his weapon in Fallout like 50 times with no luck. He gave it to me, I rolled it *once* and got exactly what he wanted.

  2. I can’t smell spoiled milk. Good for cleaning up. Bad when I don’t realize it’s spoiled until I taste it.

  3. Picking the cashier line where there’s a price check/coupon debate/rejected debit card.

  4. I can put babies to sleep very quickly. I don’t like holding other people’s babies anymore and mine are adults now who aren’t planning on having kids.

  5. I can read lips and I have excellent hearing my friends tell me that I probably would be able to hear a dog whistle lol

  6. I have no sense of smell. Never have had one. Worked at a state park and volunteered to clean the porta potties in the heat of summer. Coworkers loved me!

  7. I can recognize any notable actor doing voice-over for a cartoon.

    It comes from watching way too much Star Trek, and going “hey, that’s THAT GUY” even when they’re wearing five pounds of alien makeup.

  8. Given most any date of the past 22 years, I can very quickly work out in my head what day of the week it was. Before that, it’s more difficult for me, but I can still figure them out if I have a reference day from which to work.

  9. When washing my hands I’ve never been able to feel hot water. Its fucking weird washing the dishes and being told thats WAY too hot and then…being like I didnt feel it lmao

  10. Manifesting small items. I volunteer at a thrift store processing donations. I volunteer with my two close friends. They always joke that if I or they are looking for a specific item and I just think about it, someone donates it within a week or so. Has happened at least 25 times in the last 3 years.

  11. I can remember license plate numbers and car models…so if I see a car I’ve seen before I get really excited.

  12. I’m really good at popping pimples. I mean I seriously judge the way it is angled and how I can approach it.

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