What can I do today to help me get a girlfriend this year?

  1. just be yourself and don’t be afraid of flunking out because if you go with that thought you’ll have a better chance of it happening

  2. Maybe try one of those international dating websites that try to spark love between western men and Slavic/SEA women.

  3. Keep your home clean. Don’t spend all your money on substances. Your banter may not be for everyone. Be empathetic. Other wise be yourself and be socialable. Get out there meet new folks

  4. Deal with any past trauma head-on and get yourself in the best mental health condition as possible. Don’t let anything bad that has happened in the past stop you from having an amazing future:

    Go to therapy, read self help books, just be open to talk about your feelings with others.

  5. Get/stay fit, clean and confident. Dress good. Smile.
    Download dating apps and be chill.
    Have a good profile

  6. Don’t look for them. Become a high valued man and they will naturally gravitate towards you.

  7. Obv you need to go places or use apps where there are people to potentially date. But specifically I would say take care of and improve yourself. Stay active, eat well, sleep enough, learn, be productive, maintain your hair and hygiene, wear clothes that fit/buy new clothes.

    There’s an analogy I like that I can’t quite remember word for word, but essentially it is: you build a garden to attract beautiful birds, and even if the birds never come, you are still left with a beautiful garden.

  8. Get out there, be yourself, try to become a better person, whatever that means to you. Someone will notice.

  9. If you don’t already know what you enjoy doing and are passionate about, figure those things out and then go and do them consistently with other people. Chances are that there’ll be single people among the groups somewhere. Be consistent, strike up conversations, and let things flow naturally.

    The other comments on becoming a high value man also apply, just remember that becoming high value is for you and only you first of all. Don’t do it with the exclusive view of getting a girlfriend.

  10. Get into dating, but make sure you’re actually ready to do so, or, be active on improving yourself during the journey. This involves your overall self-esteem, confidence, how you view yourself.


    It’s better for your mental health, self worth and fiance

    Go out social places with friends. Meeting women on nights out works for me

    And no, bars and pubs aren’t the worst places. The people who say that are the ones who think online dating is the best place and stay inside on reddit all day. Bars and pubs have been a social gathering place for ages. Saying it is the worst place is garbage.

    I go out drinking with my friends and stuff and ive meet women from it. Networking through friends

    Staying inside your house all day swiping through women on your phone who most likely have 100 more men messaging them and wasting your money on some subscription to that app isn’t gonna help you in anyway.

    And online dating is like gambling. You know how people play gambling machines and win something like $100. Rarely do gamblers say “Hey I won $100” and walk off. They will use that $100 to try and win the jackpot and even if they win the jackpot. They might try to win it again. Meaning men and women can meet up someone from online dating and have a good date but still ghost that person because “If they try more they might win the jackpot” and all it ends up with is more loneliness

    This video sums it up https://youtu.be/Sskz1pppdXs

  12. Put yourself in plenty of coed social situations and be friendly & personable with everyone

  13. Work on your conversation skills. Keep yourself clean and dress in a way so you feel confident. Finally, don’t look for a girlfriend, just want to meet people. Don’t get attached until you meet someone who really likes you back. You can definitely do it.

  14. Do what you want to do, have as much fun as you want doing the things you love. If the lady never works out you just had a year of doing things you absolutely enjoy

  15. Stop looking for a girlfriend. Treat people as people, not as though they are a possession.

  16. Stop expecting anything from dating and make sure that you have fun. For girls there’s nothing more off-putting than desperate guy.

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