Men in their 40s, what do you miss the most about your early 30s?

  1. Nothing at all. Super happy with every aspect of my life in my 40s no complaints. Still feel like I have my energy from my 20s, amazing sexlife, very healthy.

  2. Having more time. Kids were really young and not into all the sports and activities. They want to be in everything now. Each week night is something for one of the 3 for a few hours. Then weekends are usually a tournament or scouts thing.

    No we don’t force them to do any of it and are glad, but holy hell it’s a lot of time and money

  3. When I was in my early 30s none of my friends had children so a lot of spontanious stuff happened. That’s something that I miss sometimes.

    Other than that I’m happy. Financially I’m more comfortable, I’m living healthier and I feel more relaxed

  4. My kids were so adorable as toddlers. But I’m also so proud of the young teens they’ve become. So nothing, really.

  5. Hmmm.

    Nothing, really. I’m in better shape overall: physically, mentally, financially, etc.

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