So I used to be pretty insecure about my body because of remarks that my mom (without meaning any harm) made. Today I got a haircut, and my mom (who knows that I don’t like talking about stuff like this) made a remark about my hair. I told her that I don’t want to talk about it (i had a little bit of a tone, but still respectful) and she stormed off and now is upset with me because of that. it’s not the first time I told her that I don’t want to talk about my appearance and stuff like that, but for some reason she keeps pushing it again and again. It’s not the first time she got upset with me because of stupid reasons like this one, and I hate it cuz when it happens she just blocks me out completely for 1-2 days, and I feel like shit. Is it me who’s unreasonable here?
I’m M17.

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