Me and my girlfriend (18m) (19f) have been together for a year, oral sex has been a thing I’ve longed for, it’s happened very rarely throughout our relationship, it sucks because when she does it she does a really good job but she only does it for a few minutes, well yesterday when she was giving me head she seemed like she wasn’t enjoying it, I pulled myself out and asked her what was wrong, she told me that she didn’t like giving head because her mouth always hurts after a couple minutes, I told
Her I understand and ended up just eating her out, I wanted to see if there is anyway to “help” her make it easier to do it? I really do need head and I feel like its a fair request especially that she is very adamant about me giving her head.

I’m almost kinda worried that she’s lying, Im wondering if something is wrong down there because I’m not incredibly huge, so that also has me thinking

  1. First off, you don’t “need” head. You enjoy it and want it sure and that’s acceptable. But it’s not a need.

    Second, not every mouth can accommodate every penis. If she’s really interested in giving, she can try mostly licking and using her hands to stroke. If she reserves the in mouth sucking type motions for the finale or mixes it in with everything else instead of using it as the main event, she’ll likely be able to make it last longer without suffering from fatigue.

  2. Small mouth and big dick. Don’t focus on penis-in-mouth for oral. You don’t need to fuck her throat. She can use her tongue and lips all over if she doesn’t put it in her mouth. That could be even better.

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