My girlfriend doesn’t want us to have sex that involves vaginal penetration, for religious and personal reasons – which is perfectly fine for me. Both of us are very inexperienced in bed. Can you give us some advice on what we can do to have fun in bed that doesn’t involve vaginal penetration (and ideally is “beginner friendly”) ?

  1. While one possible answer could just be a list of sex acts — oral sex, handjobs / fingering, nipple-sucking, neck-kissing, etc. — my sense is that the question itself is very indicative of your self-described inexperience.

    Sex, especially with someone you love, isn’t just a combination of prescribed actions. Your main objective, as intimate partners who are new to each other and new to sex in general, should be to get to know each other’s bodies, and your own. Each of you has at least two things you can use to stimulate the other person: your mouth and your hands. As you explore with them, what feels good? Where on her body does she respond with pleasure and passion to your touch? And how about you from hers? Find what feels good, keep doing it, and explore beyond those.

    P.S.: ask her to show you where her clitoris is, and be extremely good to it.

  2. try touching private parts like your chest, neck, or hairs, you will get aroused very quickly, or nude cuddling and kissing.

  3. No vaginal penetration but close to it is sitting on his dick and sliding it through your pussy lips without going in. Mostly very arousing.

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