I’m a 24 years old regular guy. My local friends have moved far away, and I have lost connection to my community.

I’ve been going to more public places to be in a social setting (like art museums, bookstores, parks, etc.) but it doesn’t feel natural to approach people, it feels forced and weird so I don’t do it. It feels good to be around people though.

I’ve spent years and years isolated, and I don’t want to be alone this summer. It’s not fun at all. I want some cool friends and girlfriends to be with who have similar values.

I’m really good at socializing when I’m presented with the right opportunity, but I don’t know how to find the opportunities to make it natural.

So where can I start? What is a good way to find the right people?

1 comment
  1. Hey man, really understand your struggle about being alone in summer. No worries, I have good faith you will grow a lot. It’s great to hear you already have confidence in your skills and I definitely dont think its weird that you feel forced talking to someone in public.

    A great start is to look at your current life: do you have a job? Do you study? Do you do sports? Finding friends is often a sideproduct of main interests.

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