After 5 months of no contact, my ex gf greeted me this Christmas and New Year. How should I handle it? What can I assume from this? I tried chatting with her after the greetings but I noticed that she keeps on replying after certain minutes constantly, like she’s holding back or something. I really hate these mind games.

We (both 23) dated for a short period of time only but it was intense. We broke up because of just some misunderstanding. I may have appeared a little bit needy. She felt it was starting to get toxic so she called time out and I agreed. After that no contact started. After 4 months we met again because we both go in this school. Whenever we have a chance to see eye to eye she seems to be very avoidant. A week passed, she transferred to the same classroom as mine(contradicting the fact that she was avoiding me). To be honest, I assumed that there is a 25% chance that it was because of me lol. But she still avoided eye contact with me so I tried to ignore her too. Christmas came and I was surprised that she sent me a greeting and I’d be lying if I said that i did not hope for it. But like i said above, i tried prolonging the chat but she keeps on having this constant interval between her messages. Same with the new year. She also started a random convo but is very slow on replying like I said. Now I am confused and irritated. I don’t know where to go from here. I refuse to believe it was all just for courtesy because she is a woman with high pride

TLDR: ex greeted me after a long time and I can’t understand why

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