Recently I’ve developed a crush on someone at my job but I’ve repressed my feelings, mainly to avoid awkwardness in the workplace, but also because; 1. My current life situation can’t really accommodate a relationship and 2. She most likely has 0% interest in me to begin with lol.

That’s all fine to me, but I’ve been ruminating hardcore during this holiday season and I can’t figure out if I should’ve made more of an effort to be closer/more helpful or if I’m succumbing to overperception bias and just general loneliness.

We’ve had many fun conversations on the rare chance that we get to work together, though, on the last shift when it was just us two, we figured out that her train was flooded and that she had to walk home (as she hates taking the bus). In the back of my mind I was somewhat concerned as it was late and she’d have to walk 1hr+ to get home in a not-so-safe city. I felt that she could manage but she later brings up her past experiences of having to turn down guys that approach her on her lonesome asking her to “be her boyfriend” amongst other things.

I felt like maybe I should’ve asked if she wanted me to walk her home? Though, it felt that would’ve been too odd/too forward, as we only have a very surface level, work colleague relationship to be asking her that.

Shortly after she mentions that she wishes she had more English speaking friends to speed up her learning (she’s a foreigner that has moved here to learn English). Again, I felt like this was an opportunity to ask her to hang out outside of work, but my social life is literally non-existent so I wouldn’t be able to add her to any social circles.

I feel stupid, especially since I didn’t even ask if she got home safely. But again, I feel like I’m so afraid of being seen as pushy that I prevented myself from at least befriending someone.

TL;DR: girl at work that i like has to walk home at night, but mentions being uncomfortable being approached by others. should I have asked to walk her home? also mentions that she wants more English speaking friends. what should I have said?

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