how can one deal with insecurity?

  1. face first dive into the worst shit, with guidance of course, and assistance when needed

  2. Force into your mind that people don’t really care or pay attention to your life and whatever it is that you’re doing enough to laugh at you or diminish you in any way

  3. Pro tip: you can fake confidence, and it’s just as good as the real thing. No one can tell the difference

  4. Accept whatever insecurity you have and if it can be changed then go for it if it’s healthy

  5. Change it if you can, as would be the case with, say, obesity or being too timid. Embrace it if you can’t.

  6. For starters: Acknowledge that feeling insecure is completely normal and we all have that shitty “less than” conversation going on in our heads: witness it, don’t buy into it. Acknowledge the reality that each and every human being is flawed: accept yourself with love for exactly where you are right now knowing that change is constant and you can progress towards where you want to be with consistent action. Surround yourself the best you can with folks that accept who you are, don’t demean you, don’t try to force you to be any way that you are naturally not.

  7. By doing what your insecure about and getting better at it. I know it’s probably not what you wanted to hear but it is the only way to do it. Insecurity stems from not knowing what your capabilities truly are. When you know for sure the insecurity stops.

  8. Start by fixing your posture, straightening you back, chin up. If you are in a difficult situation, breathe slowly and deeply for 10 seconds or so, especially when you feel you are losing a grip. Break up your day, acknowledge what you have done right, and remember to keep on doing it, this’ll create good habits and applies to all minor things. Regarding things that weren’t successful, also acknowledge them, identify why things went the way they did, and do your best to improve on them. Work on it daily, this is a marathon. Be flexible with goals and timescales. Goals have to be small and reachable, and timescales amenable, but don’t procrastinate. Force yourself to smile. Smiles are triggered by chemicals in your brain, but the same goes for the reverse as well. If you want to do something but you can’t at the moment, remember that you can’t for the moment. Break up the reasons why you can’t and start working on them

  9. Nearly everyone has insecurities, they usually fall in one of two categories: Things you can and cannot change. The majority of insecurities come from things you can change. As for things you don’t have control over, best you can do is just accept them. There’s no point in worrying about something you can’t change. Once you realise that most people you meet aren’t going to care about or even notice the thing you’re insecure about, you’ll start to become much more genuinely confident.

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