Reddit,what is something that you can’t believe is actually real?

  1. Girls actually put your penis in their mouths. I remember being 12 and hearing this for the first time and I didn’t believe it.

  2. Bluetooth, the more you think abt it, the crazier it is the fact it exists. It’s sound telekinesis like what

  3. Bioluminescent fungus and plankton. It’s so freaking magical I hope I can see it in person some day.

  4. Up until the early/mid 1900’s there were zoo’s everywhere that had caged Indigenous/POC for people to look at.

  5. Reddit



    People upset that people go on Tinder for sex instead of relationships. When it was created the point was for hooking up and not relationships.

    Lack of accountability

  6. People who would pay thousends of dollars for thing you can get by buying lfd2 but gold

  7. a government that can legally rip your money off and ask for more. Also adding “go green” stuff so we have to pay more while it doesn’t change much if you get your pollution from other countries and especially all the container ships cruising around. Just an easy grab for them that’s all and we listen like sheep. I hope one day this can change

  8. Lucid dreaming. Being able to control your dreams and living in a completely different world, so to speak, while you’re asleep closest to VR we will ever get

  9. There’s an actual subconscious world that is constantly there but can’t be easily accessed, and it’s basically how the mind works.

    It’s yours and yours alone, you live there, your memories, your beliefs, everything; break that world and break yourself.

    It’s so fucked up man. You know when you see these books about the subconcious world and whatnot, you think it’s rhetorical, like there’s no way it’d be a tangible consistent and universal thing, but it fucking is; brains are so weird man.

  10. Finding and marrying a soul mate. Spent 14 miserable years in 1st marriage, gave up on love and the entire institution of marriage, swore I’d never do it again, met an insanely gorgeous bass playing goddess that likes each and every single thing I like, makes me laugh every day, is my best friend, married for 6 years now and I’m 100% head over heels still.

  11. The amount of people that believe persuasive arguments, without checking the facts first.

  12. Politics. I mean people actually BELIEVE what these bloviated paid liars spew out, and expect them to follow through. It’s mind boggling how blindly some people follow them. *looking at you Richard*

  13. That people think being a gangster is fun when most of the time shit sucks and most of the people in that life just want to be out.

  14. Probably the moon, I mean obviously I know it’s there in space, but when I look at it, I just think wow.

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