I was asked a trick question at work and my dumbass fell for it. It was a question with the answer in it. Something like “where was the Berlin conference held?” and I said a different city. I was thinking about another event and I didn’t even explain it, I said nothing afterwards.
I feel so embarrassed and stupid.

  1. Dont think about it, its done, if it comes to ur mind again notice it and leting go without judging it. you are not going to change it by thinking of it. And laugh about yourself! its totally okay to make silly mistakes sometimes, dont take it to serious.

  2. We always say stupid shit. Don’t judge yourself for it. I doubt anybody cares that you got the answer wrong except yourself

  3. If someone else had of done the same thing would you still be judging and laughing at them about it? Probably not. You’re the only person still thinking about it, don’t be so hard on yourself.

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