Suppose you saw a white person walking down the street wearing a Japanese kimono, a Mexican poncho and sombrero, an African dashiki, etc. What would be your immediate assumptions, if any, you would make about them?

  1. I would follow him, because wherever he winds up is probably a party.

    Edit: in my head I pictured him wearing all these at once.

  2. I would assume they were slightly confused if they were wearing all these clothes at once.

  3. I would think it’d be extremely unusual that someone could be so wrong about how Mexicans dress while walking down the street in Phoenix.

    They never wear ponchos or sombreros, they just wear cowboy duds.

    But I’d also probably follow them because whatever party they’re going to is probably going to be a banger.

  4. All I know is white kids in dashikis are usually bored and rich and easy to rob.

  5. Honestly that they’re making a youtube video where they actively try to offend people either for a prank or to make a point.

  6. I’d figure they were some sort of action hero who’d just come to after being knocked out or fled hospital. Their clothes were badly damaged in the previous action scene and they’d ‘dressed’ themselves by picking up random items of clothing from street vendors and/or washing lines as they made their way to the next exciting situation.

    Sort of weird that ‘Little Tokyo, the Mexican Quarter and Kenya Town’ are all crammed so close together but that’s more an issue with local civic ordinances than the fault of the Clint McHero-fist.

  7. I would assume they are seeking attention or going to a costume party. And then not think about them again.

  8. I wouldn’t care. I rarely notice what anyone else is wearing. It’s just not important to me, and it shouldn’t be to anyone else either. I’m Mexican, if someone wants to wear a Sombrero and a Poncho, go for it.

  9. I saw a white woman and a black man completely dressed in traditional Chinese clothing at a gas station. At first I was offended (even though I’m a white gal) ….

    Until I realized the tiny toddler with them (calling them mama and daddy) was similarly dressed and was very obviously Asian.

    I assumed they were were embracing their daughters birth culture and heading your some sort of event.

  10. A Kimono, probably a huge fan of Japanese culture. A Mexican poncho and sombrero, I’d assume they were Mexican, since it’s not a monoethnic country and plenty of white people live there. Same could be said of the dashiki, but my first assumption would be its association to the civil rights movement – I’d think they were an activist of some sort.

  11. I think I saw this person yesterday


    Oh wait, I thought you meant all at once.. that’s the person I saw yesterday

    Separately? I wouldn’t think anything of it.. Though a sombrero would stand out as odd if it was a big one. (Unless it was a super sunny day.. then I might be jealous for not having a sombrero that day)

  12. Amused if wearing all at once, but beyond that it would not bother me. Embracing a culture is totally fine and there is no shame in that.

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