And by dominating i dont mean in naughty sexual way. I mean real dominace. Like at home or work. Who always brings you down. Who always fights with you.

You wanna leave but cant.

  1. Tell your friends what’s going on, have them back you up or even speak for you if it comes to it

  2. I spent several years re-aligning my life after my then wife took my son to he mothers and refused to come back unless I deposited the majority of my pay in her account. I did that, finished my bachelors, and then when I had all my vacation loaded up at work I filled for divorce and got my MBA full time so I could be sure to get 50-50

  3. You deal with it by learning how to not be beta. Once you let a woman dominate you, you can’t just try to show her you’re alpha out of the blue. You have to drop her and start a new relationship and be dominant from the jump.

    A woman only gets away with being masculine if you’re being feminine.

  4. Grey Rock Technique. If you truly, TRULY can’t avoid her, be as boring and unresponsive to her bullshit as possible outside of whatever you’re obligated to say to her. Say what you have to say to her, then walk away. If she tries to goad a response out of you in some petty way, act as uninterested as possible. Indifference hurts narcissists like salt hurts slugs. And NOTHING hurts a (toxic) woman worse than being unable to get emotions or attention or reactions out of her target.

  5. I’m not a man but I’m curious what her problem isand why she’s behaving that way, is it her personality?

  6. No, I don’t. A woman who “always brings you down, or always fights with me” is NOT a woman I’m willing to deal with.

  7. You don’t deal with it. You leave.

    You shouldn’t have to change and she shouldn’t have to change. You’re just not right for each other.

  8. I can’t quite imagine the circumstances that make it impossible to leave. I could however imagine that a cunning, control obsessed person would make the price for leaving them extremely high.

    Which would mean one has to document the oppressive measures, prepare for ones exit and then take the pain of going through the process to detach oneself from that person and prepare to cover ones back to ensure that any further attempt of them trying to get back into ones life can become legally detrimental to them.

  9. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to deal with a controlling and dominating woman will vary depending on the situation. However, some tips on how to deal with this type of woman may include being assertive, setting boundaries, and communicating effectively.

  10. Too easy-don’t. Know you deserve better and leave any relationship with that level of toxicity. Find your inner king and stop telling yourself what you CANT do.

  11. Get rid of that bitch as soon as you can. This takes a toll on first your mental, then your physical health.

    You said you are working with her ?

    Point out every time she is being out of line or disrespectful, go into every fight being sharp and focused on the contents of the arguments, call her out for every single ad hominem, report her to your superiors at every turn, give her hell every time for mistreating you and see how long she is “dominating and controlling”. Keep it solution orientated on your part but subtly provoke her regardless so she keeps making mistakes and acts hysterically, which will weaken her position in the workplace all around.

    She’ll either learn not to fuck with you or go pester some other workplace. Her problem.

  12. You’ve got 3 choices:

    1.) Leave and accept w/e consequences that decision brings.

    2.) Stay, but learn to fight back…accepting the very real possibility of making things worse.

    3.) Stay and make no change, eventually leading to mental breakdown

  13. My man that abusive not dominant. If you have someone you can stay with go there, see if there’s any help lines or shelters you can go to (unfortunately this is pretty limited for men but it’s worth a shot) and get out of there as soon as you can. I don’t know the reasons why you can’t but regardless make sure to do everything with caution and safety

  14. If it’s a work situation, start applying to other jobs now. And in the meantime, recognize that as long as you’re doing your job, that person doesn’t have as much power over you as they’d like to have. Ignore her.

  15. I mean, you CAN always leave. I would look for other jobs if i was in your place right now. But yeah, definitely cut her out of your home life. I cant imagine coming home to fight with her after finishing a long day of work. And either tell management shes doing this, or find a different job to keep yourself from going crazy

  16. Be submissive and docile; live to fight another day, and move on at the first, best opportunity.

    You can’t change anybody else. All you can do is try to contain their shit the best you can and move on.

    There’s zero point in trying to scratch the itch to fight back. You’re not going to change that person.

  17. In this situation you have three options, leave, confront her or stop caring about it.

  18. As you normally would if you were dealing with a toxic male.
    If its a home situation, it may depend on if she’s your wife or a relative. Obviously communication is key. But if that hasn’t worked, consider counseling (for a marriage) or work towards moving out if its a relative you live with, continue to be kind to them but you can also actively avoid getting involved with long discussions with them. There’s likely not going to be an immediate solution for a home issue, and frankly there’s much better resources for a specific issue than reddit.

    If its a work issue, you could report it to your manager or HR if it’s genuinely bothering you. If that doesn’t work, then simply start looking for another job. Don’t quit your job however until you know you have another one.

    Regardless of your situation, there is almost always a way to resolve it.

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