So recently I’ve been talking to two girls online. Met up with one a few weeks back and it went well organising the second one soon.

I met this other girl last week and we hit it off well. And have organised a date for this week.

Now normally when I date I like to just see one girl at a time but recently that hasn’t been good as the girl I give full attention to either ghosts or just tells me they’re no longer interested it’s happened a few times. Then I’m just left by myself again. I said to myself I will try dating multiple just to see what happens.

I like both these girls but I’m starting to feel bad. I mean yes I’ve only been on a date with one of them and the other I haven’t even seen yet.

The girl I haven’t been on a date yet with asked if i was talking to other girls. I was honest and told her that I was seeing other people. She got upset at me saying things like it’s not trust worthy and she wants someone who’s just focusing on her. Which is fine I get that.

Is it wrong of me to see both of them at the same time? I feel absolutely bad and feel terrible.

1 comment
  1. No there’s nothing wrong with seeing several people at a time cause you don’t know how it might end up nor anything is exclusive. This girl with whom you haven’t been on a date with may very well ghost you after the date and then you’ll be the “loser” here.

    I guess you should communicate that to her.

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