People say we can just get sex easy but imagine a clean and SAFE way.

  1. No, thank you. I find treating sex as something to be bought/sold/traded/bartered incredibly distasteful and I’m strongly against human trafficking and sexual coercion/manipulation, so I would not choose to support any brothel regardless of the genders involved.

  2. Not interested, I would never pay for sex, it would feel icky to do it when you don’t know if the person really wants to have sex with you or not.

    If others want to do it, that’s none of my business.

  3. I’m not a fan of treating sexuality as a good to be sold and bought.

    In my country, prostitution is legal. And it leads to my country being a hotspot for human trafficking and forced prostitution. That’s not something I support.

  4. I support legalizing and making safe sex work. If ever I was to hire someone though it would be a professional in the field of BDSM because it’s difficult to find tops nowadays that don’t involve humiliation in their play, and it would be impact-related.

  5. Even though I’m really lonely and that sounds much safer than alternatives, I wouldn’t ever be able to get myself past the guilt of using another human being like that. It feels wrong.

  6. Consensual, safe, and legal? Great! Though I personally wouldn’t utilize it. Trafficking, coercion, and criminalization of sex work is a no go.

  7. Interestingly, based on a lot of comments here and a general perspective of how the different genders view sex, I’d say there would be a very small market for prostitution catered towards women.

    Women are overall viewed as objects, specifically sex objects, in society, which is why prostitution is able to thrive at all. Men largely don’t care if the woman has been coerced or forced into prostitution, they’ve paid to have sex and they want to have the sex.

    (I am not saying that these are absolute or entirely accurate statements, this is just my own analysis).

    Women tend to take a less transactional view of sex, meaning a lot of women wouldn’t feel comfortable paying for what is really a very intimate and personal activity.

    Personally, I would never engage in it, it’s not my thing.

    I used to be pro sex work, but having done more research into the industry, I don’t believe that there is any way to make it safe and legitimate. Even in countries like the Netherlands, where it is legal and regulated, it is mostly used as a means of human trafficking and a way to control women (and some men). End brothels in general.

  8. No, I don’t think it’s ethical to pay for someone’s body. You can’t purchase consent.

  9. Why not they are women who uses escort services when on business trips… Probably a lot safer alternative than finding random guy on dating app if that is your plan

  10. That doesn’t really sound appealing. IME, what humans really want is deep emotional connection, but they settle for sex as a substitute. Instead of providing more sex, we should restructure society to better enable deep emotional connections between humans. Restructuring society would mean dismantling capitalism, OFC.

  11. The benefit of sex for me is a positive spiritual connection. I don’t believe you can buy that. The other person’s emotional state is critical to my experience of pleasure. They would have to give an academy award winning performance- and if they are that good at acting their time is better spent in the theater. I am for legalizing sex therapy but that’s not for entertainment.

  12. I wouldnt be interested when i can get dick for free . Why would i pay for community dick, lol i rather have my own dildo

  13. Sex toys are already a clean, safe, affordable and uncomplicated source of orgasms. Why bother with a brothel?

  14. Nothing for me personally but it’s important to have those spaces. Sexwork will always exist so it’s important to create a space with regulations that’s a save for customers and sexworkers, no matter the gender.

    A friend of mine works at an information center for brothels and sexworkers and they offer support if needed. If any of the sexwork happens under unsaved circumstances or people are forced into it, it isn’t work, that’s human trafficking! But most sexworkers do it on their own accord or even enjoy it and that should always be allowed.
    Banning sexwork is NEVER the right option.

  15. As long as the sex workers in the brothel were truly there of their own will, are paid fairly, and treated with respect, then have at it! For myself, I would rather go to a sex club for a nameless encounter than a brothel. Would rather it be consensual and casual with another club member than a transaction.

  16. I don’t like the idea of transactional sex and am perfectly happy to go on having sex only with people who I at least like and trust.

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