Let me add some context: I am the only person of color (latino) where I work and my GM has it out for me despite the fact I’ve done a very good job for the company. Mind you, he does not own the company and can’t fire me, but he’s the owner’s right hand man. So, if I say anything or lash out in anger there is no way that the owner is going to take my side. This is where I feel stuck.

So what do I mean by passive aggressive racist towards me? He constantly brings up my race into almost all conversations he has with me or that I happen to be in with him and another person, makes jokes and off handed remarks about me being a “Biden supporter” even though I am not. He constantly goes out of his way to nitpick at my job performance despite the fact our owners have said to him and myself that it is good, and often tries to force me to speak in meetings, and does this to no one else.

Not to mention, this guy works 60+ hours a week at our company though he has a wife and four kids at home, and his job definitely does not require that amount of time being there. He even goes out of his way to passively shame me and my other co-workers who put in our 45 hours a week and go home. I have no idea what his issue is and know nothing about him besides the fact he grew up in a country town in the middle of nowhere.

Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.

  1. I can imagine it being uncomfortable, but have you had a private conversation with him about how you’re feeling?

  2. Definitely keep track and take notes, be sure to ask him to stop but from the description he seems like he knows exactly what he is doing. If he doesn’t stop you should put your notes into a letter and send it to your boss and HR. I’m not sure what the laws might be where you are, but this can all be classed as discrimination

  3. >he grew up in a country town in the middle of nowhere

    That seems to explain it. He must not have had exposure to people of a different ethnicity during his years where he grew up and racism could have been taught to him by his family.

  4. Ya write down everything and log the date and times and who was there when he said it and then go to HR, also send an email to HR so it’s recorded. Write down everything. Totally not acceptable. The nice thing is, if they retaliate you can sue them for $$$

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