Just consider wins of over £10,000,000, that’s at least £100k per year for the rest of your life.

Edit: to further the question, if you wouldn’t continue at the same place, what would you do instead?

  1. Nope, not in the slightest. My wife and I would be quitting our jobs, flying out to somewhere far flung and just exploring. There isn’t enough time in life to see everything I’d want to see, so we’d probably spend our life on the road just travelling. £10m would do that nicely if you’re not fussed about staying in absolute obscene luxury.

  2. I like my job and like feeling useful, so yes. At least for a bit. Maybe I’d go back to university again and study something a bit less practical.

  3. I’d like to think I would. I have mental health issues that get a lot worse if I don’t have something to keep me busy.

    But I know I’d be temped to jack it in and sit on my arse doing nothing, in full knowledge that it wouldn’t do me any good.

  4. Not a chance. I’d be out of the door as soon as the cash was in my bank account.

  5. I reckon within 10 hours of finding out I’d won that much, I’d be in Cuba snorting coke out of Britney Spears’ belly button. Wife and job can go fuck themselves.

  6. I’d call my boss, say see ya and probably drop like 10/20k each to my colleagues.

  7. I really like my job and work with some decent lads but I’d quit in a heartbeat. I’m 50 next month and a lifetime of manual work means my back could do with the break. Pun intended.

  8. I would become a shareholder in the company, but I wouldn’t continue my current role.
    I do love the company and the attitude towards its employees so that would be the main reason I wouldn’t cut all ties.

  9. I’ve thought this through.

    I’d turn up with increasing expensive accessories. Designer shirt one day. Rolex watch the next day. Keep working my way up to increasing levels of ridiculousness, eventually turning up to work in a ferrari or something.

    When someone finally calls me out on it, then I’ll quit.

  10. I’d probably try to go part time, the work is interesting and I like my colleagues, also I’d need something to fill the time and most charity work involves talking to the public

  11. Yep. Would get a nice house, new car maybe then carry on as normal bit with nicer holidays and whatnot. Might up my donations to some tigers by another pound or two.

    I wouldn’t want my children knowing really and getting the idea they didn’t have to work.

  12. Why keep a Job from someone that needs it. And why waste that time working when you could be enjoying yourself.

  13. As much as I enjoy my job, how rewarding it can be, and the people I work with.. Absolutely not.

    Why would I waste 40+ hours of my life each week doing repetitive work when I could be travelling the world, meeting new people, experiencing new things, enjoying myself etc.

  14. I would not leave my current job.


    But hear me out…

    I am on an OK salary, with a 6 month notice period, and I am being made redundant on the last day of March. The company I work for are being dicks, and if I win the lottery and leave they wont pay me a penny if I leave early. If I wait on they will be paying me my 6 months notice, 19 weeks redundancy pay, and 5 weeks of untaken holiday, plus some other benefits i’ll be getting. My final figure is £73,644.58 before deductions. I know its peanuts compared to a lottery win but I am doing it out of principle.

  15. Fuck no, besides, says she piously, any job I hold is one less for someone who needs the money,

  16. My fella said he’d still work his job…. I asked if he’d come travelling the world with me .. he said.. ” for maybe a month” and then he’d go back to work… Like…. What?!?!

  17. The more pertinent question is how much would you need to win to quit your job?

    For me, it’s actually a relatively modest amount. If I won enough to pay the mortgage for a few years and travel then I would be very tempted.

  18. I’d buy a cottage in the middle of nowhere, earn lots of degrees, have dogs, knit, bake, read and cross stitch to my heart’s content. Oh, and have a lovely holiday once a year.

  19. If I won anything over 500k, I would quit tomorrow.

    Exactly what I would do would depend on exactly how much I won.

    I’m in my early 30’s so can’t exactly retire on 500k and never work again. I think I calculated it at 4 million, that’s what I would need to never work again and live a normal life (decent car, decent house and a nice holiday somewhere moderately priced every year).

    Anything below that I’d probably buy a patch of land, and turn it into a doggy daycare, training school and kennels.

    I love dogs.

    If I won 10 million plus, I’d just buy a nice house and car, and take out 10k a month until the day I die and just do what I wanted. I would play with my dogs, train my martial arts, write a bit, learn to fly a plane etc. I’d find ways to fill the day.

    I wouldn’t horde all the money though. Give a fair bit to charity. Especially dogs charities, but also a few homeless charities, women’s aid and foodbanks.

    I’d probably open a foodbank myself, on a non-referral basis.

  20. Anyone who says yes needs to give their head a wobble.

    I’d be gone like a shot. I wouldn’t tell anyone what happened and I’d just disappear to enjoy my life on my terms.

  21. Absolutely not.

    I’d start actually living instead of being stuck in the day-to-day rut 99% of the population is in.

  22. No. I understand why people would want to stay in their career, but even as a multi millionaire, there’s one thing you can’t buy – time. You get one shot on this planet. Why do a 9-5, and spend half your waking hours making someone else money?

  23. When they had to cut budget they cut my pay. So when I get money I should stay there because?

    I’m gone

  24. I would absolutely leave. I’ve always dreamed of buying a mill and converting it into little flats for homeless/jobless.

    There would be classes on doing up your cv and covering letters. Help in applying for jobs, a wardrobe of interview attire. Access to courses to help get the jobs.

    Once employed, they’d get to stay and save up an emergency fund plus moving fees. Then we’d set them free into a little flat of their own to thrive. Regular catch ups to make sure they were keeping on top of bills etc.

    I haven’t actually worked out the intricacies and £10m probably isn’t even close to enough but I’d definitely be looking into the feasibility of it before giving up and adopting all the cats instead.

  25. I’m an electrician so think I’d still carry on doing it but just do it for free for old dears and people who are hard up. Maybe like 3 days a week, until the day I drop dead from all the drugs and vintage port I’d blow my winnings on. So about 2 months.

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