Throw a six on a dice, wrap up in winter coats, scarves and gloves and then use a knife and fork to cut off a square. Do kids even play games like this these days?

  1. Played exactly this game last week at a family games night we hosted. Kids and grown ups loved it!

  2. Played it in Ruthwaite Lodge above Glenridding in the Lakes on an outward bound trip in year 9. First and only time but it was entertaining to watch the disappointment of someone managing to cut off a square just as someone else rolled a 6

  3. It’s elevated to new heights now. the stakes are bigger and it now involves a rich tea biscuit and debauchery

  4. Now you have said this, yes I remember it vividly, was a birthday party staple back in the 80s/early 90s.

  5. Yeah, that’s a blast from the past. I was crap at it, I also always lost the one where you had a mound of flour with a matchstick in the top on a plate and you took turns slicing a bit away until the matchstick fell.

  6. We even played this in primary school. Shared bar of chocolate and cutlery between 30 kids, probably a health and safety/hygiene nightmare by today’s standards.

  7. What about putting random items on a tray, covering them up with a tea towel and then having to remember what was on there? Parties today sure aren’t what they used to be!

  8. Only time I’ve ever heard of this game is on Reddit. Am I too young? Too southern? What’s going on?

  9. Played it once at my in laws. Remember thinking it was was weird af, but it was funny as hell.

  10. HATED that game, core memory watching classmates fumble, sweat and slobber over a bar of chocolate while the demented teacher scolds me for not being manically enthused to take part.

  11. That was a fave game when a cub/scout and big family gatherings!

    I think I may suggest bringing it back to my ma (a cub leader for over 20 years) to do with her grandchildren (now ages between 8 and 14), thanks for reminding me!

  12. We’re going to do this for the first meeting back at Brownies. I have the meanest pair of ski gloves!

  13. Used to play it at my kids’ birthday parties about 10 years ago. It’s a classic and ace fun. Was better with the foil and paper wrapping.

  14. These damn kids these days with their fancy Nintendos and Gamestations when they could be playing chocolate on a plate

  15. What is the game? Taking turns to eat chocolate? How do the winter clothes come into it? Are the clothes supposed to make it difficult cut off a piece?

  16. Yes, we played this at our Brownies Christmas party. Resulted in another leader demolishing most of the bar, much to the girls’ frustration!

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