Hello, I am having a problem about reaching an orgasm during sex. (Male)
My erection lasts so long, and I can fuck for hours, but I can only still cum only if I am laying on the bed while getting extremely fast handjob. Is it because of too much masturbating??? I just don’t find sex exciting anymore.

  1. Anxiety medication can cause delayed ejaculation. Personally, I think lack of sleep and stress can be a cause too.

    If you stop masterbating it will make you more sensitive. You probably have a difficult time cumming during sex because there is enough friction. You have basically trained your brain to cum a certain way. It kind of like not being able to fall asleep with sucking your thumb. You could try masterbating with lube and a light grip. The goal is to retrain your brain to cum using a different sensation. It’s going to take time.

    Also, be mindful? What are you thinking about? If your mind is distracted with thoughts or worries about performance then you won’t get aroused enough to cum. Your mind needs to be free of thoughts and worry, focused on the moment and focused on your six senses.

    You could try wiping the natural lubricant off her and see if that increases the friction. If she squeezes you a little that will increase the pressure and friction. She might have to strengthen her kegel muscles a bit through kegel exercises.

    You could also try jerking yourself off when you get close. I’m on anxiety medication and that’s what I have to do.

    The other way is to increase your arousal. Maybe have her talk dirty such as having her ask you to cum or how good it feels etc. Maybe her wearing lingerie, lip stick …whatever excites you.

    [Mayo Clinic – Delayed Ejaculation ](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/delayed-ejaculation/symptoms-causes/syc-20371358#:~:text=Delayed%20ejaculation%20can%20result%20from,of%20physical%20and%20psychological%20concerns.)

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