What are you aiming for? What is the point of all of your efforts? Are you making progress?

  1. I aimed for happiness, safety and peace. Stability.

    Unfortunately, there‘s no progress in sight.

  2. Hopefully one day I’ll be a dad and I’ll work to ensure my kids grow up to be happy and productive adults who will remember me fondly after I die.

    Right now I’m in college working to make sure I make enough money to financially support my future little ones.

    No where near making any progress on making kids a reality though, ain’t even got a first kiss yet. Gotta have a partner to actually make those kids with……. I’m probably gonna just have to go with plan B the way things are looking, not too happy with that. It is what it is though, ya know?

  3. Well last February I got in a pretty bad car accident and couldn’t walk for a few months. So I had to leave my life in Florida where I just moved to behind and move back in with my parents mostly so I could have people to help me get around.

    So right now I’m aiming to get back there and get back to my life. I can walk now and finally have my own car again so I’ve made decent progress

  4. I want to take over the world. I think that would be cool.

    Slowly but I’m currently trying to get over my loneliness issue.

  5. To improve my family land and make sure I have a place for myself that I can enjoy and to tell my kids (if I ever have any) that I’ve built and worked on this place with my own two hands. While having a career that focuses on serving the community. It’s not only for myself and a potential family I’d like to have some day, but as a testament for others that regardless what you been through you never give up on what you want to achieve. I like to say that I’ve made pretty good progress in the grand scheme of things. Even though I’m doing a lot by my self and by hand

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