so i’ve been with my bf now for about a month and things could never be better. we both love each other a crazy amount and we get along so well.

he told me his love language is words of affirmation and compliments, stuff like that. so i thought it would be nice to surprise him with a box of little notes that say everything i love and find amazing about him. i got a little creative with it and instead of just pieces of paper i put kisses with my lipstick on the back of each note. i’m gonna put a few other little handmade things into the box too.

the thing is.. i’m kind of obsessed with him. like a lot. and he feels the same about me too but he had to tell me that he was obsessed with me – whereas he just can see that i am (he told me he really appreciates that i feel this way though). of course, i’m not obsessed in an unhealthy way, it’s just that he’s all i can think about. so i don’t want to come across as weird with this gift or make him uncomfortable. i’m not sure if i’m overthinking this but how would you feel if your SO gave you this?

(TL;DR – i’m giving my bf of one month a surprise present that says everything i love about him with kisses on the back. we are both obsessed with each other but i don’t want to come off as creepy. if your SO gave you this, how would you feel?)

  1. I don’t see anything wrong with it. You’re both in a major crush, so enjoy it while it lasts. I say ‘while it lasts’ because you don’t even know each other yet and things will change, hopefully for the better, but at your age things will probably cool off and if you survive that, you’ll be okay.

  2. If you think it’s too much then give him the messages without the kiss or reduce the kisses/messages.

  3. I’d wait, just because that’s such a cool gift and it won’t have the same impact twice. Like maybe a 2 or 6 month anniversary?

    But if its not your style to delay, go for it. You’re both teenagers in the honeymoon phase, you’re allowed to be big and bold with how you feel.

  4. Nothing is wrong w that at all…. its cute and heartfelt. Itll make him feel good to know you care as much as u do… as long as one of them notes isnt like “i sniff your armpit while u sleep” lol 😉he’ll like it

  5. This sounds like a good Valentines Day gift if you want to wait! I always think handmade heartfelt gifts are the best gifts, they come from the heart. I think his reaction to this will also tell you if/how much he reciprocates those feelings.

  6. I can relate to you so much. If it’s my personality or because I’m neurodiverse but I feel emotions on a super deep level, and I have been in your shoes before. I finally got a partner who is the same way, but in a way, I feel like I burnt myself out on him already. I still feel committed, and I’m trying to figure out how to respark that for myself. Yall might be different tho and I don’t want to scare you off. Obsessive love like that puts blinders on me, so make sure you’re not ditching other responsibilities or relationships.

    As for the gift, I think it is sweet and thoughtful, I would say to possibly wait a little longer. When yall go on more dates and activities, find little momentos to reference it. Maybe yall go to a restaurant and you draw a cute picture on a napkin, save it, and add it to the gift boxes. Maybe he gave you flowers, dry out a few petals, and add them in. Maybe even one of the tickets of a movie or play yall saw together.

    A word of warning, try not to shower him in gifts too much, especially if he is not giving back as many. Obviously, this gift is more focused around his love language, but pay attention to his body language to see if it makes him uncomfortable. Some people don’t like gifts because it makes them feel like they owe you, or they might not have the money or means to get you a present. Idk his case or situation, but from my past partners who have been unemployed, sometimes they feel guilty when I gift them too much because they know that they can’t return the favor at the moment.

    Best of luck!

  7. This is so thoughtful and I love that it would be a surprise. I think doing something like this not for a holiday or anniversary or birthday is so sweet and as someone whose love language is words of affirmation, it would mean the world to me. That being said, what if you waited a little bit? It seems like you are both crazy about each other as is (which is awesome!!) so what if you waited a little bit longer into the relationship so it would show that you’re still invested and thinking about his needs? Knowing myself though I don’t know if I could wait that long 🤪🤪 I don’t think you can go wrong whatever you do!

  8. I want to laugh. Super hard because (1) this is adorable, and (2) my child, 15 (f) has a bf (16) and they are like the exact same way as yall. Only when she does that, (love notes, cards, etc) he gets so happy and ecstatic. It makes his day. They’ve been together for 10 months, yesterday, and she recently bought a journal, and wrote love notes and her fav things about him in it… gave it to him, and he does the same and it goes back and forth. They both have a “memory box” that they keep notes/cards in, and it’s cute.
    The obsessive thing is norm at that age, and if he gets it, iand he is cool with it … why the heck not. I see it as puppy love and teenage romance… harmless as long as it you (or he) Stalker narcissistic crazy… I mean there is an obvious difference, but your love sounds similar to my child’s thing… so go for it. Have fun.

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