How do you share the house chores with your partner when you work from home?

  1. I work from home and boyfriend and I ALWAYS have problems.

    He has no problem that I do tasks completely alone without any help, but almost every time he goes to do something, be it washing the dishes or storing the clothes in the closet, he wants me to help. The feeling I have is that because I’m at home all the time, I have to do everything and alone.

  2. We share them relatively equally and each do what needs to be done when we see it needs doing and have time to do it. My partner has no trouble understanding that I’m working just like they are, so we both share there household chores

  3. Washing dishes is split- if I cook, he cleans and vice versa. Laundry- he folds his own clothes. Yard work- me. Sweeping, dusting, and mopping- split

  4. I plan on doing everything with the chores, but if my husband helps with anything I greatly appreciate it and show him that I do. Edit to add: My husband does mostly all of the outside chores. I help with feeding the animals but he mostly does the yard work.

  5. We split it by which ones we prefer doing. I clean the bathroom and the kitchen, he does the dishes and the garbage.

  6. I’ve tried with a schedule, but it did not work for us. He tries, but most of the time he needs my help – “where is this, where is that, where to put those clothes.. etc” or postpone the chores. So in the end I do most of the chores and he takes me out to dinners.

  7. I’ve been working from home for years now (way before the pandemic) and location of our office has zero to do with how chores are split. Everyone in this house (kids included) has their set of chores so we all do them.

    the fact that people assume that wfh = more time to do chores is plain wrong. If anything, you work MORE because you have less work bullshit to contend with (traffic, annoying/distracting employees etc) so sit down with a list of chores that needs to be done, assign names beside them and choose a chore day for when it all gets done. NO questions, no arguments becuase everything is crystal clear.

  8. My wife and I do what we see needs to be done. We don’t expect eachother to do a certain chore. If I see the house needs vacuuming, I do it. If I see the clothes pile up I throw it in the washer and dryer and she’ll fold cause she’s good at it. We just consider eachothers comfort and help eachother. It’s easy when you love the person ans care about their comfort.

  9. We both work from home. We both walk through the house and pick up throughout the day and split the bigger tasks by who prefers to do them, basically. Example: he hates doing dishes, i weirdly enjoy it, so that’s always my task. I do all of our animal care, and he cares solely for the plants. This is the one thing we’ve never argued or disagreed about, it all just sort of came naturally when we moved in together and I’m so thankful for that because it has NOT been this easy for me in the past lol.

  10. I do more when I wfh. Eg keeping the laundry or cleaning the floors while he isn’t home. But he doesn’t make me do chores with him when he is home. You don’t need two people doing one chore. He can do stuff alone too.

    I realise it will probably not be a 50-50 split when one party wfh even though you’re WORKING from home. But it does still annoys me that he leaves laundry unkept when he’s working from home the whole day. I would have definitely kept it if I was the wfh one.

  11. I work from home and my husband goes to the office 3 days a week. I have a pretty light workload so I take care of most of the daily chores (keeping the kitchen clean, laundry, cooking, dishwasher). We usually do a big power clean together over the weekend (mopping, vaccuuming, general whole house tidy-up, bathrooms).

    He deals with putting the garbage/recycling out, snow shoveling (which I am so thankful for), lawncare. Our system works out well.

    I probably do a fair bit more than him overall (especially just the general mental load of meal planning, groceries, restocking toiletries, etc.) but since he has a much more stressful job than me I don’t mind.

  12. The same way I would if I worked in an office. The fact that I’m working hasn’t changed, just my location. I’m not going to add more chores just because I’m physically at home more. We both live here.

  13. We both work from home 3 days a week. We do groceries jointly or the one, who needs/wants something. Husband is in for regular cooking and garbage, me laundry and sheet change, cooking only, when I want to prepare something special. Dishwasher, cleaning and garden is whoever has time, roughly 50/50. Vacuuming: 50% robo 50% one of us. Heavy stuff: professionals.

  14. Not my partner, but my roommate. I work from home and do tidy up or clean during my breaks or when it’s slow. Or just wait til after work. Basically, cleaning all day.

    My roommate will just not clean unless I ask him to. He keeps his room disgusting, and would keep the rest of the house the same if I didn’t pick up or “nag” him. I’ve tried several times to be like “if you see something is dirty, just clean it.” And his response is almost always “I work all the time and when I get home I’m tired and don’t want to clean. If you just ask me I’ll do it, otherwise I forget”

    And it’s like..dude you realize I work all day too, right? I know for a fact that he thinks because I’m home all day that I’m not really working.

    Luckily, moving in with my partner soon! he also works from home and keeps his apartment clean. Hoping for the best with him 💕

  15. I currently work from home and we have a great system that works. I typically handle the laundry, light straightening up and dishes while I’m home. He does the bigger chores like sweeping, mopping, dusting, bathrooms and any outside chores. He’s pretty good at helping keep the house clean and picked up.

  16. We both work from home. We don’t really do chores during the work day (other than putting our dishes away). Occasionally at lunch we do them, but that’s a mutual agreement and normally we eat and go outside for a walk.

    We have a dedicated weekend day for chores (vacuuming, floors, laundry, bathrooms, etc). After work we tidy after ourselves and I’ll do the kitchen if he cooks (or vice versa).

    I also do the cat stuff (daily litterbox cleaning) but he’s my cat haha.

  17. My fiancé works from home and handles I would dare say 70%+ of the house work, but when I get home & especially on weekends I pull my weight. I never want him to feel like he’s in it alone with our chores. I’m also an early riser so on Saturday or Sunday mornings when I’m up before him I’ll always make sure our cats room is taken care of, dishes are done and the kitchen is clean etc. (we have chores we prefer so I know he’ll always handle the laundry and he knows I’ll always be game to cook dinner and make sure the kitchen is clean.)

  18. We take turns each week.

    One week he’ll do all the cleaning/chores and the next week it’s my turn.

    We both pick up after ourselves, and if we see something that needs to be done, we’ll take care of it no matter whose week it is.

  19. My dad is wfh, he does most of the household chores just because it’s pretty easy for him to do them in between his time at work. The chores that are typically exclusively tended to by my mom are changing the cat’s litter box and the bunny’s cage and vacuuming the house. She’s normally the one to wash bed sheets and towels, but not always. However, she does just about all the chores that she actually does do by herself, and only ever asks my dad for help when it’s like a physical thing, she’s 5’1 and my dad is 5’10. Also I don’t live at home anymore, this is just what I’ve noticed from being at their house for the holidays, though it’s been pretty similar to this throughout my life.

  20. I work from home, so I do about 75% of the housework. We switch weeks for cooking. My husband works 3 jobs, so I feel like it’s fair. He also does a mass deep clean every couple months which also really helps.

  21. I work from home, husband works in a lab. I do the tidying/dishes myself, we both normally cook dinner together, he gets the laundry washed and dried, and I put the clean laundry away.

    It feels like a good balance to me. He honestly does more than I could ask for, since he is disabled. We both focus on doing good for each other, and we don’t keep a “tally”.

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