How do u make ur move or tell someone u like them without actually telling them?

  1. i make my intentions very clear immediately.

    you cant imply your way into a relationship and you wont get one naturally without ever being open about what youre looking for.

    you dont have to make it a big dramatic confession or anything – usually very obvious flirting does the trick for me.

  2. By flapping your arms squinting really hard and crab walking!

    “How do u make ur move or tell someone u like them without actually telling them?”

    Think about what you just wrote down.

    If you’re unable to tell someone that you do like them with your words then you’re not ready. Work on yourself so you can gain the maturity and confidence to do it in the future.

  3. I’d get close to them as a friend and then start from there. This was a stupid strategy since I’d end up in the so-called friendzone. Today me would be straightforward if I had something to say.

  4. Invite them to get a meal. If you both seemed to enjoy each other’s company ask them again later. Repeat as necessary until you’re confident to tell them directly.

  5. Slowly escalate until/unless they do not respond & reciprocate positively & consensually.

  6. If you’re not actually telling them, then how did you tell them?


    Going to have to explain this like I’m you. Go real slow and make it very dumb so you, I mean I , can understand what you are saying.

  7. I just ask them out and tell them i like to know them better, its either a yes or a no thanks, you get your answer without spelling your guts out. Easy peasy.

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