So I’ve basically only been in one meaningful relationship. It ended probably about a year ago. And i was completely heartbroken. I still miss her to this day, but I am ready to move on and meet new people. The problem is, is that I’m pretty introverted and not really outgoing, and I don’t really do anything that allows me to meet girls. I only met the last one because we worked together. What are some ways or things for me to do to actually meet some girls?

  1. I think you should take some time to build up a better relationship with yourself first. Find some hobbies that allow you to go out and make friends. Read books that attract you. Journal at night before bed, this will allow you to better articulate your thoughts and distill them in a way that’s more digestible to a listening third party.

    You should always make yourself the top priority, and when you’re ready you can get some friends together and go hit the town. But when you do, make having fun, not meeting women, the goal. The women will come naturally

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