Do you feel like the USA has closer and more brotherly ties with Poland or Russia?

  1. Poland. We are enemies with Russia, and on the brink of war. Yes, some Americans do support Russia, but it is a rather small (but extremely vocal) percentage.

  2. Definitely Poland. The impending 24yr anniversary of NATO alliance notwithstanding, Polish heritage is celebrated in many areas. We learn about General Pulaski as a hero in elementary school. During the Cold War, Poland was seen as a victim of the Evil Empire forced into the Warsaw pact at the behest of Russia.

    I’d be quite interested to hear evidence arguing the opposite.

  3. Hm, the geopolitical enemy for 100 years which currently wages war against Europe and is allied with another dictatorship and geopolitical rival, China. Or Poland. I truly don’t know.

  4. Poland.

    They are nato allies, we have a fair amount of polish immigrants, they aren’t literally enemies currently invading a neighbor in a war of conquest.

    We are much closer to Poland.

  5. Do we get along better with a strong friend or an on again off again ex with a toxic relationship?

  6. Is this a debate??

    I mean there was the whole Cold War thing, and basically a Cold War II now.

    I would be more than happy for a chance to visit Poland and feel quite safe doing so… Russia? Big lot of nope

    Lots of Polish ancestry in certain parts of the US; Polish restaurants/food much easier to find in the US than Russian ones

    Out of polling in European countries, Poland is usually one of the countries with the most favorable opinions of the US

    There’s NATO, and I kinda view Poland as the biggest/strongest buffer between the Russian sphere and the West

    Also, February 22, 1980… never forget.

  7. Considering we’re in a proxy war with Russia, I’m gonna go with Poland, even though their politics are shity.

  8. Poland, absolutely.

    Never mind the very basic fact that Poland is the US’s *military ally*, had been for a very long time, and has at least nominally supported the US even through our stupidest wars … the US and Polish militaries actively collaborate and sometimes even train together.

  9. Russia of course.

    Why would we be friendly with Poland, the massive enemy super power that was the USA’s archival during the Cold War and with whom we almost had nuclear conflict several times?

  10. Hmmmm country who once sent us a birthday card or country that regularly threatens to nuke our dormant super volcano…

  11. I went to school with a Polish foreign exchange student and he was one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. So for me personally, Poland by far. As a whole I’d say neither is probably viewed as brotherly though by most people who don’t know geopolitics.

  12. Definitely Poland.

    “Does Batman have a better relationship with Commissioner Gordon or The Joker?”

  13. I know Americans who are proud of their polish ancestry, I don’t know anybody who is proud of their Russian ancestry

  14. It isn’t even up for debate: Poland wins if for no other reason than that we aren’t enemies with them.

  15. USA doesn’t have close and brotherly ties with ether one of these countries.

    Both immigrant populations are right-wing ideologically leaning and tend to congregate/live in same or neighboring towns and neighborhoods in NJ and NYC even though they don’t like each-other back home.

    In US they mesh quite well.

  16. Poland and it isn’t even close. The gap is so huge if you asked most Americans this question they would be confused by it.

  17. Let’s look at what really matters:

    * Pierogis
    * Potato pancakes
    * Cabbage rolls
    * Kielbasa
    * Paczki
    * Żywiec beer


    * Borscht
    * Vodka

    What am I missing? It’s Poland all the way.

  18. The first Poles were in Jamestown before the Pilgrims even came to America. Chicago has the largest Polish population of any city except Warsaw. Plus both countries are founded on Enlightenment principles with a slightly more religious and conservative bent. No oczywiscie to Polska.

  19. Given the influence we had in the creation of a Polish state following World War I, as well as how close we’ve been since the fall of the Eastern Bloc, I’d say we definitely have closer ties with Poland. That said, we were pretty cordial with Russia most of the years Poland wasn’t on the map too. I must say, Poles are good allies to have, and I wish you could say the same for most of yours throughout history.

    When it comes to brotherly ties, it really depends on what area of the US you’re in, and what nationality the settlers who came to where you were are. In my area of the country, there were a lot more Polish settlers than Russians.

  20. Pretty sure we’ve been buddies with Poland since Lech Walesa in the late 80s. Poland joining NATO and military stuff the last 20+ years solidified that.

    USA having ties with Russia? Hell no. Even Abraham Lincoln talked shit about Russia. We bought Alaska from Russia and that’s been about it–Russia was happy to sell it to someone where it wouldn’t end up with the British.

  21. If we had to pick a historical nemesis, it is almost guaranteed to be Russia. If we had to pick a current nemesis, Russia and China are the top contenders.

    Individual Polish and Russian people can expect friendlyness from Americans. Americans are very aware of Putin’s recent actions, but as long as the Russian takes an anti-Putin stance, they’ll be accepted. The Polish have no such stipulation – they’ll be welcomed regardless of their opinion of the recent actions of the PiS. This may change if Poland’s government finds their way into the news cycle.

  22. Russians are stereotypical villains in American. We’re not especially close to the Poles, but closer.

  23. I wouldn’t consider us particularly close or brotherly with either, but Russia is certainly MUCH farther away from that status than Poland is. Poland is a NATO member and particularly useful as one due to providing key staging grounds and airspace for the task NATO was created for. Most folks who didn’t serve in the middle east with Poles probably won’t have had much of any reason to consider them in modern contexts beyond that but at the end of the day they were for us even if the general populace isn’t all that aware of it.

    Russia is a century old rival.

  24. Poland all the way. Poland is in NATO. Our militaries train and exercise together to prepare for something like a Russian invasion

  25. I like Poland from a geopolitics perspective, they have proven to be a good ally to their partners, don’t lay down for perspective enemies and have overall been a great addition to the list of US alliances.

    I would certainly say they are on the list of the most reliable allies, up there with Japan, The UK, Canada and Korea.

  26. Poland for sure. It is a strong NATO ally, has generally had pro-American leanings since its communist regime collapsed, and there is a long history of Polish immigration to the US. There has also been lots of Russian immigration to the US for decades, but Russia has emphatically not been a US ally since WW2.

  27. I would ask any Poles on here if their country is presently closer to Germany or Russia.

    To answer the OPs question, Poland hands down is a better and closer ally. The USA was in a cold war with Russia for close to 50 years with Russia and America fighty proxy wars against each other. The US even had many movies when I was a kid where Russia was the bad guy such as Wolverines or The Hunt For Red October. No anti Polish propaganda has ever been produced that I have seen in my lifetime. I am a big fan of AK47s and the good old reliable and fun to shoot Mosin Nagant though. I feel like I like Russians, but not the Russian government and it’s corruption and Disney villian evil reputation.

  28. We’re literally in an alliance (NATO) with Poland. An alliance that was formed to counter Russia. I don’t see Poland as being as close of an ally as the UK or Japan, for instance, but they’re definitely a friend, and a better one than some.

  29. Given the cold war and now hostilities with Russia over Ukraine, safe to say it’s Poland

  30. I feel closer to Russia, frankly, but that’s because I have familial and educational ties to Russia. Still, they are the Assholes for their ongoing stupid “special military technical operation” in Ukraine.

    Slava Ukraini!

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