I’m using hinge, I posted a video of me playing guitar and this girl matched with me, then messaged to compliment my video, and she never replied after that, nor has she unmatched. It’s been a few days. I’m confused cause it seems she matched just to compliment a video and nothing more, should I message again or just move on?

  1. Move on. If she wanted to keep contact she would. She saw something interesting, gave a compliment and moved on. If she comes back that’s ok. If not, no lose.

    I know as men we often rarely receive compliments and especially on dating sites. But sometimes compliments are just that. A compliment. Intend to find if you have to coax a conversation from a woman then she doesn’t really want to talk to you!

  2. Online dating. You never hook the fish till they are in the boat, driven back home and then cleaned.

    Only then are they truly “caught”.

  3. Id say just forget about this match. Could be she checks dating apps once a week, or she’s just not interested, or you got drowned out by all the mstches she gets.

    I saw a female friends bumble and it is ridiculous the amount of likes women get. My friend is very attractive but i wouldnt call her a supermodel. In just one week she had 50+ likes and at least 20 matches. Sometimes women get nervous too, because theyre not sure if the guy they are talking to could end up being a psycho and going out is stressful on them so they just dont look at dating apps.

    Honestly it could be anything. As guys we dont get much mstches and this sounds like its been your inly match in a while (its ok happens to me all the time) and you want to see if you can get something out of it. Id say just forget about it.

  4. I don’t know how old you are but this is a fairly common thing when it comes to dating apps, get used to it. You’ll receive this same treatment while trying to get to know a match, you’ll be messaging for a week and you’ll think “whoa she seems great, I can’t wait to meet her” then she’ll go silent on you and it’s done.

    Some people use these apps because they’re bored and/or they use it for cheap validation, these types don’t care about meeting someone so it’s hopeless.

    Others will stop talking to you because you were #8 on their priority list but then #3 just started talking to them so you’re irrelevant now. Women in general will have massive amounts of likes compared to us so be aware that you’re probably one of 50+ guys that she’s sorting through that month or week. If you sent her a message then just let it be, she saw your message but decided that’s it. An interested girl won’t leave you hanging for more than a day.

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