I’m talking to this guy that I really like but after going through his Instagram I see he’s follow A LOT of half naked girls. This made me a bit sad. Is this a red flag?

I really like him though, he’s really nice and genuine so this was unexpected. I wish I didn’t see it because now I’m comparing myself to these Instagram girls and I don’t look like them. I feel like he may have an addiction?

How do I move forward? Do I drop him? TIYA

  1. Guys like pretty girls and porn, news at 11. You may not actually want to hear it, but there’s like 80% chance he’s watching a hardcore porn on his second monitor right now

    >I really like him though, he’s really nice and genuine so this was unexpected

    I don’t see how liking instagram thots makes one not nice or geniune

    >How do I move forward?

    Move forward. If it bothers you, talk to him about it when you are actually dating, and not fantasizing about it.

  2. In my experience it’s a red flag. I’m sure many guys look at porn and pictures of beautiful women a lot, but if he’s not even self-aware / smart enough to hide it on his social media, he’s probably not worth your time.

  3. Jesus fuck that’s embarrassing. It’s 2023, how does he not know that real porn is available for free everywhere on the internet?

    Show him NSFW Reddit and maybe consider adoption for any future kids, this kind of stupid can be hereditary.

  4. are these IG models? is it any different if he were following a celeb like kim kardashian or megan fox? girls who are a pipe dream and he will never meet. i get where you are coming from and personally i dont and wouldnt follow girls like this in IG.

  5. It’s masturbation material, you can provide something that the pictures could never – intimacy and companionship. Guys won’t turn to porn if they have a flesh and blood woman to fulfill their sexual needs with. You gotta find a way to deal with your insecurity.

  6. If a girl posting bikini pics is a red flag then this could be red flag. But let’s be real most likely you post bikini pics as well like almost all girls on insta. So your choice either accept that you are hypocrite or a sexist who just hate a man for existing

  7. Same thing happened when I started dating my boyfriend. He followed a good amount of “instagram models” and i went back and forth if it was a big enough deal to say something (I don’t mind a partner watching porn or looking at pictures online, but I don’t think it shouldn’t be displayed/ visible on social media – just my personal opinion).

    I debated on bringing it up because I was afraid of a bad reaction, but I decided it made me uncomfortable and insecure enough to talk to him about it. He was very understanding and unfollowed all of the accounts immediately.

    My advice, if this is something that bothers you enough, is to have a conversation with him about how it makes you feel. If he likes you/ respects you and wants to continue the relationship, he’ll do what he can to help you feel comfortable in the relationship moving forward. If he reacts poorly and refuses to make a change, that’s your sign this may not be the person for you.

    Hope this was helpful.

  8. Men are visual, but majority of them don’t expect you to look like the altered pics on a screen. And just because he may like some of those pics, realize those gals have hundreds if not thousands of guys liking their pics too.

    Be realistic about his chances of getting one of them.

    None of those gals are a threat to you, and it is rare to find a nice & genuine guy. You can after a bit of time, tell him to cool it with following so many of them. Not a demand but says it is a bit awkward, which is understandable. He wouldn’t like it if you followed 100 or more hot guys on Instagram.

    Men who expect perfect are just strange and not datable. Most men thankfully don’t expect perfection in the person they are dating. And most of them realize they are far from perfect themselves. Men just are not as picky as you think they are.

    Men are happy to be getting laid or in a relationship period. Relax, smile and enjoy what ya’ll have together.

  9. Being a guy myself. I myself do follow many girls on Instagram but I’m single. If you two really like each other than I would have a talk with him. Remember communication is key in a relationship. We’re not mind readers so I have a talk with him discussing. The matter at hand. If he respects he will comply.

  10. You don’t have to put up with it but the fact is you’re just jealous and that isn’t healthy either. Guys like hot girls and you’re not the only one in the world, best advice I can give you is get over it and stop being insecure.

  11. It’s a major turn off for me when I see a guy follows stuff like this on social media. I personally have stopped talking to many guys because of this. I 100% understand how you feel and I can assure you so many women feel the same way. Tell him how you feel, if he respects you and unfollows them all, good. If he doesn’t unfollow them, dump him.

    Listen to me very carefully. You will get a hundred guys on here telling you you are insecure or jealous or whatever the hell else. You pay these losers no mind. Your feelings are valid and you are entitled to your boundaries and standards. Women will bust ass disrespecting themselves so men think they are “cool” and “chill.” Do not ever allow yourself to do this. You are better than that.

    Good luck sis 💕

  12. If it bothers you communicate this concern. I think a lot of guys do this tho and don’t think it necessarily means anything concerning

  13. I’ve seen a meme girlfriend tells her boyfriend to stop liking girls in bikinis pictures on IG, next picture is of her posting a bikini pic on IG. Seems like you. If it bothers you, talk to him.

  14. Following hundreds of half naked people on insta is a red flag for me. It makes me question whether this person has a porn addiction and what on earth goes in their head which makes them display their porn in public.

    I don’t get insecure or jealous because of pics like that, but I think it’s a pretty good sign that we aren’t compatible.

  15. All these people telling you to have a conversation with him about instagram followings making you insecure as if you’re boyfriend/girlfriend… Talk about red flags. Laaawwwwwlllllll

  16. Single dude who follows a lot of hot girls, it’s definitely not a deal breaker. Much different story than a wife finding out her husband is following a bunch of half naked girls.
    I followed a bunch of hot girls before dating my current girlfriend and unfollowed them when we got together, because I understand that she should be the only woman I look at and although it’s difficult to resist the urge to look at other women I still fight that with few slip ups because I love her and want to be the best I can be for her.
    Maybe this guy doesn’t have that same understanding of loyalty that I do but if you did become exclusive then let him know it makes you feel disrespected and you’d have better peace of mind if he unfollowed them.
    A lot of guys won’t take that well because they simply just can’t understand that position.
    You’ll have to decide if you can live with their responce or not.
    Best of luck.

  17. I don’t see it as a red flag the he followed IG model that’s just normal but if you are so insecure about it then talk to him. Everyone knows social media pictures are edited. Someone people don’t mind if their parents looking at women/ man pictures/ porn and some do mind.

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