the title. one of my friends is sad about college apps and how her parents don’t want her to pursue her dreams and idk how to comfort her or what to say.

1 comment
  1. Be curious and learn more about what her dreams are. If it isn’t something you know a lot about, ask her questions. Sometimes when people take an interest or try to understand your desired path more it can be refreshing. Allow her to discuss her frustrations about her parents. Maybe invite her to come watch a movie or go out and do something fun. Acknowledge how she feels, don’t minimize her feelings or try to get her to look on the bright side. Sometimes going for a walk is helpful to vent feelings and thoughts going through her mind.

    You can also let her know that people don’t often stay in the same career or job for life. If she pursues something now she can pursue her dream later. For example her parents may be encouraging her to take a practical route now, and later when she has a foundation she can build onto that. I have a liberal arts degree and was rejected from grad school to be a counselor. My parents told me to stop and pursue something else, so I became a practical nurse at a community college. Now this Fall I am going back to school to become a counselor. My experience and foundation as a nurse is a great asset and I also make a better wage while going to school. So it may not mean her dreams are crushed forever. I don’t know about her situation. I wish you the best of luck. You are a good friend.

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