10 months of Facebook dating. I’ve had 2 matches. First one had everything going well then at the last minute I got told that I literally had everything else she wanted but she just wasn’t “sexually attracted to me” so she didn’t see us working out. The second one went alright and everything seemed to be progressing well then she ghosted me out of nowhere for seemingly no reason at all. There was no indication anything was off and she even said she was planning on chilling with me that Thursday but she just dropped off.

Now for the day before new years I decided to get hinge because it was recommended by a friend. I even paid for the premium membership and it was cool. Genuinely going off the other person’s profile to message and I liked most of the people in my area. Right now I’m still sitting here with 0 matches on both. 0 likes too. Not even a scammer even.

It’s really kicking me. I feel like there’s no interest at all from anyone like I’m not good enough or attractive enough to get even a date letalone a relationship.

And as for in person, I haven’t seen a single person show any real interest. The occasional person I have risked shooting my shot at ended up rejecting me so that’s not really going anywhere either. Idk what to do.

Also for the record, I have been mainly focusing on myself before anyone suggests that. I was actually happily single for a while and enjoying my free time but after the past couple of months I’ve been feeling pretty lonely and realizing just how empty my dating life is.

  1. Here are my suggestions: 1) limit the gaming to 1 hour a day 5 days per week. In your spare time hit the gym and also look into some hobbies that do not include any aspect of electronics. 2) make your appearance as good as you can. Including hair, clothing upgrade if needed. 3) get some photos of you doing your new hobbies and or looking good in your new clothes 4) focus on the people in your real life around you, by being interested in them if they talk to you. learn some jokes to tell when appropriate. 5) get a life coach to help iron out what ever it is that is blocking your success. So you can have the happiness you deserve! Best wishes 🙂

  2. This is a tough one. And I see very few comments so I’ll voice my mutual situation. I’m in a very similar spot as you. 26M. I just think we have to improve ourselves, self reflect, set goals, act on the goals, build ourselves up. I get no validation from anyone in my social life, none. It grinds me down a lot. But I do know what I have to do in order to get the attention I desire. I have yet to do any of it because my self worth is also very low. So I don’t feel like it will be worth it. People like us have to dig deep and really decide we want to achieve our goals, and follow through.

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