I’m really anxious if I should try dating or not (haven’t even had a first bf :’))

Yet everyone at my batch already have someone in their lives they think they’d spent their lives with. I’m still at junior college tho, and I’d rather spend my time building my medical career rather than finding someone, but I still can’t get past the idea that I wanna have a someone too.

So, I just wanna know, is there such thing as too old to date? (if ever I will try during the med school phase in acad life?)🥺

  1. how old are you?

    there’s no such thing as too old to date. some people start early, some are late bloomers. if you end up starting late, then guys might be surprised or even judge you that you dont have any dating/relationship experience. but if they like you, they wont care. flip the roles and we’ll get judged far worse.

  2. Me 21, her 31 – we met while volunteering at a rescue squad down in Surfside Beach, SC. We were both EMTs at the time – been married now 36 years.

  3. I’m just your average dude like so many other average dudes


    So very little in terms of interest from women in my early 20 .. Dating life started picking up in my late 20s as desperation for kids started escalating and was quite good in my early 30s

    (dating in your 30s will often entail discussing having kids already on the first date).


    Met I met my future wise online at 32 and became a dad exactly 3 years later. Lasted 7 years.


    There is no rule about not dating in your 20s

    But it’s a trade off. Fertility has an expiration date, so with shorter time on your hands you might end up being forced to settle quicker if you wait until you’re +30

    That being said, the average age for having your first kid is 30 for women and 32 for men. which means that half are older.

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