27F & I’m wanting to explore anal. I am just looking for some advice to get started. I am scared of potential pain/micro tears. What is the best way to prep for it? Best lubricants etc.. also would the use of butt plugs help at all? TIA 🙂

  1. Any water based lube, KY Jelly is the cheapest and best, silicone and oil stains the sheets, use plenty at the start, and you do the guiding so you can control the pressure to lessen any pain, and clean your arse out before hand, good luck and enjoy

  2. Start small and only go up a size when you’re comfortable. Go slow. Plenty of lube.

  3. Start by going slow. He needs to go slow. Lube on him and you. Find position that works for you. You will think you are going to explode. A very wonderful feeling.

  4. Here is my Anal 101 copypasta:

    Anal: A beginner’s guide.

    So you’ve decided to try anal. Good for you. But first, let’s talk about how.

    First of all, you have to be very careful. Those tissues are delicate, and if it isn’t done properly, serious injuries can result. Go slow, use plenty of lube, and stop *immediately* if it starts to hurt or bleed. Stretch yourself with fingers and toys before your partner inserts their penis. Also, advise them that if they want to take the vehicle off-roading, they need to be okay with the fact that they might get a little mud on the tires. In other words, butts tend to contain poop. Even after a good bowel movement.

    Some people use enemas for anal to clean themselves out. If you decide to do so, don’t use them on a regular basis. Regular enema use can make your body reliant on the enema for a bowel movement.

    As for toys, please only ever use toys with a flared base. Toys that don’t have a flared base can get stuck up inside of you, which will require a trip to the Emergency Room. This is a very common thing that doctors see in ERs. Also, don’t use silicone lube with silicone toys, it will degrade them.

    If you do end up injuring yourself, and it doesn’t heal within a few days, don’t be afraid to seek medical attention. Doctors aren’t there to judge you. In the highly unlikely event that they actually *do* say something judgemental, report them to the medical board, because that is totally inappropriate and grossly unprofessional.

    If you find that you don’t enjoy anal, don’t keep doing it. Sex is supposed to be a mutual joy and a pleasure for BOTH of you, not something that you endure and grit your teeth through for the benefit of your partner. You *always* have the right to say no, even if you said yes to something before.

  5. A relaxed ass is a happy ass. You can’t just “jammitin” when starting anal:

    A) Used lots more lube that you think necessary then add some more.

    B) Make sure you are comfy, have the right atmosphere and motivation.

    C) I recommend you start on your own with a plug or a toy so you can learn what works and dosen’t work when guiding it in. Later with your partner, you do the guiding and back your self into it slowly. Once you are comfy he can take over.

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