In Poland, everyone does it, from primary school to high school (during a class). I have seen it with more casual workplaces as well. Is it something you do as well?

  1. Sweets are rather unusual in our country. We often bring cakes or cupcakes to school or work when it’s our birthday.

  2. Cake is the norm here. The birthday child bakes cake and shares it with the class and teacher

  3. At work bringing a cake in is pretty normal, I think doughnuts may also be normal, or possibly that was just a thing at my old company.

  4. We didn’t really have anything like that in school but some workplace do have that you bring fika with you for your coworkers or the coworkers get you fika. Depends on the workplace a bit

  5. Yes absolutely. In primary school it’s usually something with some effort in it, like something you made or at least assembled yourself. These days I think a lot of schools have rules about how it has to be healthy so no sweets, cookies, etc.

    In secondary school it’s not as popular and if people did it it consisted of throwing a bag of mini candy bars on a table for people to pass around.

    In the workplace it’s mostly something like cake. Either home made if you like baking or from the store if you don’t.

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