Is it alright if you were in a somewhat long term relationship and you were watching a movie or eating breakfast or smth and you just reached out and touch her boobs casually or do women find that weird also is the same result as you touching her vagina or no?

  1. It’s a personal boundaries/circle thing. Depends on the person.

    Most people aren’t the kind of person to enjoy that because i makes them feel like an object

  2. Not a woman, but if you’re in a ltr and you don’t even do casual touching, that’s probably more weird. Especially if youve been intimate.

    Girl you just met? Sure, don’t just grab a boob, someone you’re in a relationship with? That should be a normal occurrence, methinks. Doesn’t she do the same to you??

  3. Kinda awkward, obviously depending on the context, if there is the right atmosphere for it, it would seem odd if there wasn’t any tension before then. But if it’s playful, I guess 🤷‍♀️, personally just seems awkward.

  4. What a weird question. My girlfriends tell me all the time about how they hate when their partner randomly grabs their boobs without asking. It’s creepy.

  5. I feel like this is more mutually wanted/acceptable in the beginning stages of a relations (first few months?). I guess bc you’re all giddy about each other? I don’t know if I would want that in a long term relationship

  6. Generally speaking, no, don’t do that. Even in a relationship, you’ll find most women don’t like being groped without permission. Try holding hands, it’s way underrated.

  7. I’d recommend against it. This sounds like “free use”. It’s a kink that’s not for everyone. Sometimes I’ll walk up to my partner and give her a sexy hug and kiss. Something that shows her she’s desirable and I’m passionate about her. Yet that’s for her enjoyment primarily not my own. She does things like that for me. So try to refect the kinds of passion your partner gives to you.

  8. The way you phrased this was weird. That said, it seems I’m the unpopular opinion here, I’ve been with my husband for 13yrs and we definitely grope, spank, tickle, etc at random. It’s a playful thing, really just messing with each other.
    Random vag grope is undeniably weird though. Don’t do that lol

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