So I haven’t slept with this guy. But he is honest with me about when he has been with another girl. Yes I know where protection LOL
I haven’t been with anyone recently. But he has. I haven’t asked how recently.

I kinda want to know how I should go about this. He asked if I messed around with anyone recently. I haven’t answered yet. I’m pretty boring lol. I kinda want to – can’t think of the right words, but say yea I have. But then again. I feel bad lying. But who really knows if he is lying or not.

  1. Why would you start a FWB relationship off with a lie? Or any relationship for that matter? Don’t lie to people. It’s a bad quality.

    Tell him you haven’t messed around with anyone lately. If you want him to know that other people are still options then you can let him know that you are still dating around on occasion. Just haven’t had sex with anyone.

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