I’m making a lasagne today and the recipe asked for 200g of Parmesan.I am making in a thermomix which is a gadget that weighs the ingredients as you put them in. I bought a 200g block from Tesco and when i put it all in the total weight was 162g.The recipe then asked for 800g of mince. I bought two 500g packs from Tesco again..The first packets weight came to 378g and then when I added the 2nd the total weight of two 500g packets came to 747g.
Is this legal?

EDIT…Didn’t even think my scales could be off. I shall test my thermomix scales after I’ve cooked my lasagna.
UPDATE EDIT…Well it was the bloody Thermomix scales.We have it sitting on a small table as we have very little worktop space in our kitchen.The surface of the table isn’t completely straight and even walking around it was affecting the scales…I’m sorry TESCO…please don’t sue me.

  1. It’s not legal if it is consistently under… but are you sure the thermomix is correct, three out of three all under by a similar percentage seems a little suspicious.

    Are you able to find something at a reference weight you can test it with?

  2. Manufacturers are allowed a bit of leeway on either side of the stated amount; that’s what the e (estimated) symbol by the weight means.

    It shouldn’t be that much, though; with it being so high across several products, are you sure your device is calibrated correctly?

  3. They’re given some leeway bit shouldn’t be that off. You can find the actual allowances on gov.uk but it’s around 10% ish

  4. Food manufacturers have better weighing equipment, with evidence of calibration traceable to the international standard. You don’t.

  5. I lost all trust in Tesco’s years ago, but this really does sound like a rip off. Have you looked closely at the packaging to see if it states the actual weight of the mince?

    Don’t know what a thermomix is? But it might be worth checking with some other scales as it could be a fault there, before you contact trading standards about Tesco’s stuff

  6. So your cheese was 19% lighter than it should of been, and the Mince total was 25% lighter. That is one hell of an amount Tesco would be off by, so as other have said your scales are probably wrong, and the error gets larger when the mass increases too.

  7. There has to be some leeway otherwise every would get even more expensive if everything was accurate to the nth degree.

  8. Thermo’s are notorious for the scales to be upset by even the slightest bump of the table they’re on. Even the TM6.
    Love the functions on them but if I were you, just grab a £10 Salter set of scales for consistency.

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