This is kind of an embarrassing post to make. I am afraid of getting back out there because I feel like any guy am with is going to try to leave me and make passes at my model friend. I do not blame her at all and I love her very much but it just happens every time and I am scared because it impacts my self esteem and brings me to a bad place. I am somewhat conventionally attractive but I do not fit the beauty standard the way my friend does. I even confided in a friend and she goes, ” makes sense she is a model”. I just do not like when I have to hear from her that the guy I am seeing slid up on her story or tried to flirt with her. One guy I was seeing called her the “most beautiful girl on campus” and it really negatively affected my self esteem, because I cannot change my looks. I do want to be with someone but I want to be with someone that thinks the world of me. Its okay if they find her pretty, but the whole trying to make passes with her and saying that shes prettier than me is just idk… like the guys I like have more attractive friends but I would not go out of my way to make that a point. I just feel like if you are seeing a girl, you should make her feel like a 10/10. I accepted it before because I was like well she is a model, its going to happen but there has to be one guy thats like Im prettier than her and thats the girl I want to be with. Idk maybe im just delusional

  1. Sorry to hear, but in this situations there are 2 kind of men. The men who are looking to the looks and the other looks to you personality. The people who looks to the personality wouldn’t go for your girlfriend that fast, but give it time, you will find a men who like you for the 1000%
    Ps: not everybody likes the model looks, some people like the nerdy looks and other the gothic looks

  2. Why, are you acting as her ‘wing ~~man~~ woman’?

    Her presence cripples your chances imo.

  3. ehh dont compare yourself to her. all you can be is you. clearly the guys you talk to only see her for her looks. yeah she might be pretty but its more than just having good looks. if the personality is crap, i dont find them that attractive anyway.

    and yes i find models attractive, but i think its a pipe dream i would have ever get one in my life so i wouldnt even bother. i’d rather have someone who i find pretty and has the personality to go with it

  4. . So, unless you are witnessing each “pass” take it with a grain of salt. Sometimes a compliment will be misinterpreted as a “pass”.
    . If I was your model friend, I would stop spending time with you and your date until you and your date get better acquainted. This way you and the guy get to know each other and my presence would be less distracting because the guy is crazy about you.
    . Use your friend as a “screener”. Guys who go out with you
    and become infatuated with her, are not ones you need to
    waste time on.
    . Maybe expand your circle friends?

  5. I had a friend who I called my best friend and my ex said to her directly that he was attracted to her and approached her whilst being with me. He called me aunty and flirted with her behind my back. I have broken up with him. But I always felt insecure with my friend and felt like she might cheat on me with my boyfriend as well. She didn’t feel trustworthy to me. So I stopped talking to her. In the end it’s your life.If your model friend’s presence is disrupting way too much of your life,please don’t hesitate to part ways with her. Guys do get attracted to hotter women but I hope your friend is trustworthy.

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