Also how’s life looking compared to that

  1. The internet. Easy to make various comparisons, the illusion of wealth ,and/or power, etc. rather than only hearing from the ultra famous and ultra rich, every degree of wealth, power, and success can be measured and compared driving others to believe they need more.

  2. I wanted to be a train conductor as a kid. Realized the US doesn’t have a lot of trains that need them anymore so decided to work towards engineering instead.

  3. Theoretical physicist Gordon Freeman

    I make maps and can afford a vr rig to play half life 2, so in a way I’m making progress but it will be quite some time before I set off a resonance cascade

  4. In elementary school I wanted to be an entomologist, and in high school I wanted to be a judge.

    After a short career as an assistant for a biologist trying to cure aging, I’m now the stay-at-home father of an autistic boy and an occasional freelance writer.

  5. Scienrist.

    Working in warehouse. I hate it. But, I really can’t afford anything better now. And im too old and dumb to become scientist.

  6. Work wise, when I was 11 our English teacher asked what we wanted to be… I saidi wanted to be a teacher…. I am now a teacher.

  7. Wanted to be a pilot. Dual-majored in Aeronautical Science and Aerospace Engineering, etc.

    2008 hit and the aviation industry imploded. Nobody was hiring, and every company that I wanted to work for and had been nurturing relationships with folded. My peers were graduating with 60k+ of school debt and 50k+ of flight debt, but couldn’t even get a job at Costco for $10 an hour.

    I got lucky and found a way to exit my education without graduating, but also without incurring much debt. Fell back on my IT roots and landed in digital marketing.

    12 years later, I never actually graduated, but I’ve built a strong career in martech and now I clear double the average salary of pilots from my generation. Admittedly, they have a better desk view, but my quality of life is far superior.

  8. An archeologist.

    Then I took a class on it and discovered that it’s less about fighting Nazis and instead, painstakingly digging holes via grid in random fields.

  9. Always wanted to be a veterinarian growing up. Loved the dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens my family had so much I wanted to be able to help them if they needed it. I’m now a data scientist working in healthcare so not at all related but, also don’t think I’d like to be a vet that much anymore

  10. i always wanted to be a train driver like my dad when growing up. almost began training school but failed the entry test for it, lazy 17 year old me didnt care that much about work and future. 10 years later im a care worker with highly disabled people and i love it, even tho its exhausting af and the pay is shit compared to what i have to deal with

  11. A pilot, instead I sold my soul for a office job in finance. Make an alright living but it’s not fun or enjoyable at all

  12. An Astronaut.

    I’m now a chef / restaurateur. I honestly can’t complain, things aren’t bad at all

  13. I wanted to be so many things i couldn’t pick one. All i knew is i wanted a job that ends at a specific time, i can turn off work brain, and not have to think about it at all until the next day. Kinda like school without homework. Fucking hated homework. You MFing adults got me in here 6-7 hours a day, and still expect me to put in another 2-4 hours of work after i get home? If a job forces that out of me 5 days/week, I’d at least be getting overtime.

    As an adult, I’m working in a health insurance company in enrollment. Go in at 8am, leave at 4:30pm, don’t have to think about it one bit until the next day.

  14. Attorney, then switched to wanting to go into consulting before I went to grad school. Recession hit, and I am a VP in a very blue collar industry. It is more comfortable and fun than the other options that I picked, and I don’t have to dress up.

  15. It varied almost every single year. Includes, but is not limited to: private detective, actor, director, firefighter, waiter, writer, comic book writer, artist, etc.

    And after graduating college and university, I had to go out there with absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life.

  16. I grew up going to the cattle auction every couple months. I wanted to be an auctioneer when I grew up. This was decades before Storage Wars or any other auction shows…

  17. Video game designer.

    I’m a chemist now. I did work for the plant that makes the gas used in high end chip sets for intel as quality control, so I guess that is as close to that industry as I came

  18. Wanted to be a pilot. Always went to the local air shows as a kid and my wall was full of posters of airplanes and jets. When I went to the Air Force to enlist, I was denied due to a medical condition I’ve had since birth. Kinda been lost in terms of career path ever since then.

  19. Pilot. Probably one of the most imprinted memories I have is of going to an Air Show as a kid at CFB Moose Jaw. I can remember that day like it was yesterday even though it was probably over 30 years ago. I even remember my dads Ford Aerostar popping the fuse on his digital dash.

    Anyways I never had the confidence, belief in myself or thought that I deserved to pursue my personal interest.

    I pursued a career in health care and now manage a department. I hate my job and have never found satisfaction in it, but it pays well enough and that’s about it really. Sad that I have and will continue to invest so much time into something that brings me no satisfaction. I’m good at it though, it makes me think about how good I would have been at something if it was actually something I wanted or found gratification in.

  20. Mechanic, farmer, chef and pilot

    I became a welder and I glad that I did because I don’t like working on cars, I don’t like dealing with risks of bad crops of sick cattle, I don’t like to work when others are free and I like to go home after a day of working

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