I don’t know how to make things progress with my crush.

I (19M) have a crush on a female uni classmate (I assume she is the same age than me). First of all, I am not experienced at all. I am still a virgin and I never had a gf so the advice I am asking for might be very general and obvious. In the beginning of the academic year, I barely interacted with my crush IRL even though I had the opportunity to do so because we were in the same groups (I am very shy). However, she caught my attention from the first day. She started contacting me regularly (by messages) to ask me questions related to uni. Since then I have been thinking about her a lot to the point that it has an impact on my mood and my concentration. Idk why she asks these questions specifically to me and to be honest I felt like she is kinda using me whenever she needs help and nothing more (and I still kinda do). Then I remembered that I often heard that as a male you have to do the work when it comes to dating. I would say the odds that she likes me back are kinda split. On one hand we only interacted for things related to uni and we barely talked about unrelated/personal stuff (just once and it was very brief). But on the other hand, during our very rare and uni-related interactions irl her body language was good (engages the conversation, looks at me in the eyes, smiles, legs oriented toward me when sitted next to each other and I believe our feet touched and it could have been on purpose even though I am not sure so take that with a grain of salt) and she usually writes a lot (she sometimes send back up to 5 messages when I send one). What should I do? Idk if I will meet her in person anytime soon since it is unlikely that we will remain in the same groups forever and we are more “colleagues” than friends. Should I be happy with the status quo of being asked for help once in a while until we eventually become friends or should I try something (if so, what should I do? I am clueless since I am inexperienced as I said earlier).

tl;dr: Uni classmate often texts me for things related to uni and I don’t know what I should do to push things further.

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