The car loan is the only debt I have. Looking for a way to keep my credit score up.

I’m looking into credit cards with zero interest for business purchases to free up cash flow. The card won’t be in a business name, just the nature of use.

Or other suggestions for credit are welcome

  1. Yes, you should absolutely have a line of credit going; really you need more than one open with a history of payment (not non-used), to build a high credit score.

  2. You should definitely have a credit card. Pretty much all CCs don’t charge interest unless you carry a balance. If you pay it off in full every month it’s free. Highly recommend getting a rewards card with no annual fee. It’s literally free money.

  3. Yeah definitely get the best card you can qualify for. But for god’s sake do **not** get a card from First Premier Bank. They’ll give anyone a card and the fees are insanity. Your $300 credit card comes and you immediately get a $75 annual fee, $15 monthly maintenance fee, and like a $5 fee added to that. Another $25 dollar fee if you got a second card for any reason. Every 6 months they increase your credit and charge you a fee for that too. You don’t get to decide whether that happens lol.

    When I paid off my car, I thought that paying off a $16k loan would boost my credit, it actually dropped a couple points lol. Having just a couple small (less than $1k) credit cards has been boosting it more than anything else, which really sucks since I’m faithfully paying $1k in rent each month, another $1k in bills/services, insurance, hospital bills… none of that is helping the score. Just the couple stupid credit cards.

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