Yesterday I started going to a psychologist specialized in social skills.

The reason I want to be less shy or introvert is for improve both my career and social life. All my life I have been that way. Everybody I know would say that I am a really shy man. My fahter is even more shyer than me. I think it could be a genetic component of shyness inside me.

So, with my background and my age (30 YO) some times I think if I could achive significant improvements or if I am spending the money because each session is so expensive.

Do you know some cases of peope with similar backgroukd or age like me that have improve their life by developing their social skills?

Thank you!

  1. YES, itโ€˜s definitely worth it. You can practice on your social skills, and this will for sure help you in life! Good luck to you! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ€

  2. Sometimes they can’t help, as not every social weakness has documentation that can be studied as a means of training a therapist type worker. A couple examples of some social weaknesses devoid of documentation are abnormal value system, and well earned cynicism.

    To be clear I am not advocating against this decision it is ultimately a great decision and one you should totally do I am merely giving necessary information to be wary of expressly because you asked if it was worth it, making this word of caution valuable.

  3. I would start with trying to build emotional intelligence. I would start with a book called I hear you.
    Check out a course called charisma University as well.

  4. Definitely. Having social skills (not necessarily all of them) can improve one’s quality of life. From being cosched by a pro or exposing yourself to social gatherings and activity helps you learn from other people who are particularly doing well in this field and it enables you to develop your own social skills.

  5. I’m currently in therapy, i started for various reasons one of them because I struggled socially. And it’s helping a lot, more than I could ever imagine, now I have a better understanding of what is going on with me,but more importantly therapy help me by providing a safe space to discuss everything that is going ok in my mind, and sometimes that’s all you really need, to clear your head. Yes is hella of expensive but worth every penny, but you need to be patient, change doesn’t come over night, it’s been months for me and i haven’t reached my goals yet, but thinks have improved tremendously.

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