Hello! Yesterday I went on a date with a guy I’ve known since I was like 2 years old but I hadn’t seen him since middle school. Our families are close friends and his mom apparently had suggested he take me out on a date so a month ago he told me we should get a bite to eat later on when he was in town from school. He picks me up and we go get Mexican food and the whole time i could tell he was super nervous. This made me nervous and I felt more awkward and started saying awkward things, like he said I was drinking my margarita fast and instead of like just saying it’s good I said I barely drank water that morning and was thirsty. I also didn’t finish my food and said I was full because my parents had made cinnamon rolls that morning. He would not give a lot of details a lot when talking so I asked him a lot of questions and felt like I was kinda leading the conversation. He asked me if he should get the bill or if we should split it and I just said either and I didn’t mind splitting it (I was trying to be nice) and he said okay so we split the bill. After lunch, we went to a parking garage and he was teaching me how to drive the stick shift car he was driving. This was fun but I was really bad at it lol. After that he then did a donut with me in the car (the thing where you spin the car around fast) and I thought it was odd but I didn’t know what to say and just laughed and said he should do it again (when I still thought it was odd) and he did another one then we left. He suggested we got to this scenic point but then said because it was rainy it probably wasn’t the best idea and I agreed. The whole thing was kinda odd and I am just very confused. It seemed to be very much a date but I was not flirting at all or anything and the vibes were just weird and confusing. Has anyone had a date like this or like have any advice??

  1. As a guy myself, I think you should give him time if you can tell he was nervous. Just be very nice and respond positively when he does/says something good to let him know what is comfortable with you and what is not. Give him another try!

  2. Margarita then driving, that’s irresponsible.

    Seems like you had fun hangout/date for sth borderline arranged.

  3. Is he an introvert? That would explain the lack of detailed answers; he was in his head too much. As an introvert it takes a long time to get comfortable around someone new (he hadn’t seen you in a long time even though y’all knew each other). He was very anxious. I’ve been in a similar situation and its painful to be shot down because its hard to be yourself it seems like you never get the opportunity. But even still its up to you to determine if you want to see him again.

  4. I would probably want a second date. It was weird and memorable and you seem to like each other enough to feel awkward.

  5. I have the most awkward dates the first couple of times cause I’m awkward penguin. Then you settle in, communicate. I can’t stress this enough. Communicate everything. Really everything. Your awkwardness. How you really feel. He will respond in kind and be more comfortable. Try communicating to counter all the negative thoughts.

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