I know it is apparently a big rule for men not to approach women at the gym, but I’m not necessarily sure how men feel about being approached during rest breaks or anything.

  1. I don’t care where I would be approached. I can’t hardly think of any place I would feel uncomfortable.

  2. If I went to the gym… I doubt anyone would approach me other than to tell me I was using the equipment incorrectly. Which I wouldn’t mind.

  3. By who? And for what? I’m assuming you mean by ladies or men looking for sex or whatever. And I’m ok with it as long as they are attractive. If they’re not then I have to be like ya know I’m just not looking for anything serious so we can fuck but that’s where I’m gunna leave it

    So basically idk. I’m a guy so I’m always open to it but when dudes hit on me I then understand the fear that women have to put up with. Like at 2 in the morning when a guy is like shiiiiit you lookin real nice while rubbing his crotch.

  4. I don’t really mind small talks, but I’d first check to make sure no one’s recording.

  5. I honestly don’t care as long as I’m not in the middle of a set. Approach me during the few moments of downtime between sets or exercises.

    That being said, I’m 90% sure I’m an exception. Most guys don’t like being approached during a workout. And I admit even I have days (mostly when I’m blowing off steam) where I just want to focus on my workout and nothing else.

  6. Don’t approach me during my set, but besides that an approach is good. I’ve been approached at the gym before and it was chill.

  7. Fine if the person can take a polite decline and not be weird about it. You could be ruining the gym for both parties.

  8. men at the gym would love female attention. they mostly end up getting approached by other dudes so I am guessing they would be ecstatic lol

  9. My ex wife approached men all the time at the gym. They seemed to enjoy it. Have fun!

  10. Depends what for. Asking to spot/ show you form/ ask if I’m about to be done? Sure.

    Other than that, I don’t see why. It’s probably just me but I picked a serious gym because I want to see other people working on their body and it motivates me too. So if I see you lounging around & doing things for other purposes, it’s not my favorite.

  11. I train CrossFit and karate, so I’d only be approachable before or after training. I’d see no problem with it, but I don’t even know if such thing happens, specially in a place where most people there are men.

  12. No. Just no. That’s a total ick. Ewww. Super creepy stalker vibe. You can’t just like, expect to speak with another adult human in a public space without that being a traumatizing experience.

  13. It’s fine as long as I’m between sets. If you interrupt my set, the odds are high that I’ll shut you down immediately and you’ll have no chance with me.

  14. No, don’t come talk to me. I have earbuds in for two reasons, one of which is to indicate to people to not talk to me. I’m there to workout, not make friends. I come in, lift weights, and get out.

  15. Don’t talk to me I’m ugly. I likely haven’t showered, sweaty, and wear my ugly clothes cuz i thoughts what gym clothes are supposed to be. Also the blood is in my legs or biceps so it’s not in my brain. My 2 brain cells are running on auto pilot.

    Then again, I never get hit on so maybe it’s working.

  16. I’ll be excited to be approached at all, so long as you speak to me when I’m not on the treadmill. I run too fast to communicate.

  17. I don’t, It means you broke into my house.

    If I’m at a gym it means it’s 5 30 am and I’m not there to socialize

  18. I’m good tbh. Im nice to people there, but I’m there to workout. Nothing more or less.

  19. 98% of men will not be upset by this, and it’s not a big deal for the 2% who do.

    That being said there is a large percentage of men who will be caught off guard, which is fine just realize that you might have to carry the conversation or they might just auto-pilot through the conversation and then go back to what they were doing (that doesn’t mean they are upset though).

    If you want guy advice the real secret tip is that the whole “Men are too dumb to notice signs” line is 100% bullshit. The reason this line exists is because men are expected to be the driving force in a romantic interaction and a lot of them don’t know how or are too insecure to try. They pretend not to understand what is happening, to avoid the situation without having to admit they don’t know what to do.

    but honestly if you want to go for it just go for it, basically no men will be upset, many will appreciate it, many will just be indifferent.

  20. Ofc your mileage may vary, but here is the thing: most guys are approached infrequently if at all. So if you approach (regardless of where) it’s a pretty massive compliment and boost to his confidence. So I’d say go for it. He’ll either be interested or even if he’s not it’ll make his day. He’ll be bragging to his buddies about how his gains attracted someone.

    Only caution would be don’t do it while he’s actively doing something. He won’t be able to respond if he’s under a bar with 200lbs on it lol.

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