I met a girl and asked her on a drinks date. She said she’d love to grab a drink sometime but she’s not looking to date right now because she just got out of a relationship.

Do we think this means she wants to just hang out as friends or she’s interested in something more casual?

  1. It sounds like she would like to get to know you better and spend time with you since she accepted the date, but emotions are probably high. She doesn’t want to rush anything. She needs a friend and guidance more than a boyfriend right now, but with time or assurance that you have her back, that can definitely change.

  2. Friends only. That’s a b.s. excuse. She isn’t sexually attracted to you. I’m guessing you have plenty of female friends and you don’t need another one.

  3. > she’s not looking to date right now because she just got out of a relationship.

    she means what she says (no dating for now)

  4. You can hangout if you want but do so without expecting anything to develop. Sounds like she isn’t over her ex. No guarantee that once the dust settles she’ll want you. I’d look for someone else in this situation. If she wants something she knows where to find you OP.

  5. It means she just got out of a relationship but wants to be in a relationship and if you aren’t on the same page then don’t lead her on

  6. It sounds like she wants to get to know u better but that doesn’t mean she’s into u. I would say she’s being polite and wants to give a friendship a shot. Basically- platonic.

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