
For example, what men mistakenly believe is a sign of masculinity is aggression and starting up fights and stuff, IMO, it’s lame and doesn’t make me think of you as manlier

I want to know in your opinion, what you don’t find feminine in a woman, but women thought you would find feminine

  1. When you don’t react how they want, to make them feel superior. You see right through them and they don’t like it. Only gay men do that, I was informed.

  2. Long fingernails. I don’t get it. Why spend all that money? Just keep them normal length and clean.

  3. Apparently being into astrology, witchcraft or other hocus-pocus. This drives my female scientist friends nuts.

  4. Re commenting after your edit lol. But here’s some examples:

    – Pretending to not know things/be helpless/dumb in order to make men feel stronger/smarter etc. There’s nothing feminine about being dumb.
    – When really short women HAVE to make sure that everyone in the room knows that they’re short and tiny, or when they put down taller women by comparison. Feminine doesn’t mean act like a child lol.
    – Idk if this counts but, taking on the role of a housekeeper in a relationship in order to seem like “wife material” and then once the honeymoon period ends, realizing they’ve become a nagging mother figure to their partner lol.

  5. Femininity is PERSONALITY traits. It has NOTHING to do with money, makeup material possession or superficiality. Most women have ZERO idea.

  6. Maybe not “feminine” necessarily but being loud and abrasive they think is being a strong woman, they think not needing a man makes them a strong woman. I guess that could play into femininity, using these poor traits to be a strong female. What else, uh, being overly sexual, like wearing revealing clothes and being really suggestive or raunchy. They think it’s feminine because of sex appeal maybe? Idk. Those are my guesses.

  7. Being a career woman, its the most unfeminine thing possible and dosent add nearly as much “credit” as some women seem to think.

    I know a lot of attractive women earning more than 100k who havent had a date in years.

  8. Being super emotional. Getting all bent out of shape over stupid or minor things then going “it’s ok im a girl”

  9. When they care way too much about the looks of everything. Like when you’re trying to help her to pick a laptop or a car or whatever and all she cares about is that it looks pretty and refuses to take in consideration what’s under the hood. Like just pick it yourself then?

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