My bf of about 3 months proposed to me on new years. We had just started to get a bit serious and had no previous talks about our long term plans or even moving in together. His stupid idea was to have the restaurant put the ring in my tiramisu and then pop the question. While I felt something solid briefly in my mouth I assumed it was overcooked sugar or something so ignored it. The proposal obviously did not go as he planned and got into an argument at the restaurant and I went home.

We have only been dating for 3 months. I am not sure how he could think we are ready for marriage. I might have called him insecure and said he was moving so fast that it was creepy. He has been trying to contact me constantly even though I told him I need space right now to think. I have since blocked his number to get some silence. I have refused to talk to him other than saying I need space and hung up otherwise.

I am not sure what to think of his persistence and find it off putting. We have lots in common and have fun together and this seemed to come out of no were. I would ideally like time to cool off and see where things end up. How do I try and work this out with him?

TLDR Dating for only 3 months my bf proposed to me. After fighting about the abruptness I told him I want space to think but he’s constantly trying to talk to me so I blocked him for now.

  1. >I might have called him insecure and said he was moving so fast that it was creepy.

    You’re absolutely right about that. Yikes!

    There’s no coming back from this. He’s not mature enough to be in a relationship yet.

  2. Does he believe in no sex before marriage? That could be driving this.

    But that’s way too early. And it really shouldn’t be a surprise to you, just more of the when and the how of the proposal will happen.

    Don’t give into any pressure if you’re not ready! You’re so young. Please think this through before saying yes.

  3. Lol he’s crazy but you all you have to do is say you’re not ready for marriage and see what he does.

  4. My parents got engaged after 3 months. They’ve been happily married for nearly 40 years. I got married 6 years into dating and am now getting divorced 4 years later🤷‍♂️

    He definitely needs to respect your boundaries here though.

  5. He’s exhibiting Stage 5 clinger vibes! You made the right decision on blocking him.

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