Okay so hear me out and don’t jump to crazy sexist conclusions about the whole thing. I’m just curious and maybe my pov can be changed, but I wanna know what you all think.

So I have been setting up these events with tons and tons of people at my college and we get a lot of guys who wanna come out and play sports with us. Like when we get together to play soccer, basketball, tennis, or even volleyball. We invite a lot of the women to come play, but only a few come out and sometimes barely. Most of the men in our group aren’t good, but we still try to have fun. Especially when we go out to play horse shoe or corn hole and also playing pool inside. Most of the people who play in these events are men. We try to get girls to join and they are always like ya that would be fun, but never show up. Or they just never show up at all or ever want to play with us except for a 1 or 2 at the most. I think the most girls we had one day was like 5 lol.

most girls I notice at campus just sit at a sofa and talk with their girlfriends, eat food, go on their phone, or do school work. we try invited them to hang with us like playing frisbee or something, but they are usually like, “no thank you, not really my thing.”

it’s almost like our generation of women are more focused on their beauty and looks then they are developing their personalities or creating those fun relationships with men. I found that a majority of women don’t enjoy doing those activities for fun, while a minority of women do enjoy it.

Yes of course women work out and play sports, but as soon as they get out of college, how many of those girls actually keep playing that sport for fun? I know a lot of men who get together to play for fun, like a kick around, but what about women?

Maybe I’m just loosing my mind and maybe it’s just my school area who doesn’t enjoy it. I just noticed this with my college but also with other community events outside of college. Like when we played man hunt and hide and seek, we had two girls join us and the other 20 went into a room to play cards. Us men were like, “dang, I guess they don’t like to play hide and seek.”

The reason for this whole thing, is that men want women we can play with. A girl who wants to go out and play those games with us. It’s such a great way to get to know someone. Like skiing is great or playing volleyball. I’m thinking girls just don’t have a taste for that stuff maybe?

I know girls have hobbies, but none of those hobbies really include a teammate if that makes sense. Most women would rather sit as a cheer leader than go out and play with us. Every girl tells me that their three favorite things in the world are pizza, dogs, and adventures. Like what? Seriously? I mean if you go on any dating app, that’s literally what every woman says lol. I just don’t know how to connect with women where we can grow an intimate connection together. Everything seems very formal and not natural almost when meeting women. You have to street approach just to get a girl nowadays. I know I’m complaining a lot about this, and I don’t know what to do. I mean the only way to create a bond with a girl in college is through college parties with music and alcohol or cold approaching. And if you’re lucky maybe she will join in with you in the sports or you’ll meet a great gal in a club or community outside of college. Now I do know girls like dancing which is cool, most people who are dancing on the dance court are women while most men sit out.

So the question is, why don’t women like joining men in these things and also doing these active hobbies for fun by themselves with their girlfriends? Is it just our generation or has it always been this way? Thoughts?

P.S Netflix and chill is not a hobby and that’s literally all the guys and girls who are in relationships that I know of do. I’m actually talking about actual activities.

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